every time i read an article about voting on same-sex marriage, i get heated. now, everyone is entitled to an opinion and that's completely fine, i have no problem with that. the problem i have is the fact that there is voting on the subject of what homosexuals choose to do. how is it fair to vote on something that ultimately controls the lives of people that are really doing something that's relatively normal, that doesn't concern or bother anyone? 2 people, getting married. people do it everyday. i know there are people that don't agree with 2 people of the same sex being in a relationship, whether it's religious and/or just a personal opinion. but i really find it ridiculous that anyone can vote on the fate of a group of people, especially when there's no real harm being done. when you have 2 people in a homosexual relationship, are they committing a crime? when they get together, do they increase air pollution? are people killed? cars stolen? nuclear bombs created? do the lives of every canadian and or american shortened or altered somehow? didn't think so. would you vote against black people getting married? or australians? interracial couples? or people over 50? or paraplegics? didn't think so.
so, butt-out and let homosexuals live. period. people have rights. you can't take them away because they have a different sexual preference than you. i thought we were supposed to be moving forward in time, not backward.