Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007

shutup foo!!!!!!!

mr. t is pretty much awesome.
though he's on the washed-up-actor route (a la william shatner, who coincidentally has his own warcraft commercial that i'm not going to link you to because it's not even a tenth as good as this one), he's doing a fine job.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Right Brain v Left Brain

THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

sponsor me for movember, see below for DEtails

I forgot to mention, anyone that is interested in sponsoring me and donating money towards the prostate cancer research foundation of canada, CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE

If you're having trouble, my alias is Stuart Arts and my sponsor number is 169957.

Every little bit helps.


Stay tuned for more photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

week 2

So prostate cancer is a pretty serious thing these days so to help "Movember" has been created. Basically to get the word out there and support and fund research, dudes (and some women) are growing their creeper-stash. It's a global campaign and it's a great way to watch your peers gradually look hilarious - though there are a lot of naturals out there that look great. Take Coach Hirsch for example.... SIKE. Anyway, check out the campaign, grow, donate, spread the word, whatever you'd like.


coming in thick.

"coach" hirsch

"I'll kill you" Zwer

"License and Registration, Please!" Kugler

Saturday, November 10, 2007

thumbs down

if you haven't got a copy of radioheads new album "in rainbows" you should. i feel like radiohead started as a great, raw, u.k. rock band but then went off on a tangent a little and took the electronic route; which is fine, and they did make great albums. But I have to say it's nice that, at least for now, they've gone back to a great, powerful, raw sound.

and don't forget their great videos...

and their great covers......

it's 2:26 am and...

tin cup = awesome!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

INTJ - The Portrait of a Mastermind

take this personality test. it's actually pretty cool and not one of..... "those." you know if i posted it, it has to be interesting.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Nestle, Pepsi and Coke Face Their Waterloo

Emily Bryson York, October 8, 2007, Advertising Age - When Robert Rheaume met with retail buyers last year, his $20 Sigg aluminum water bottles were a tough sell. After all, the market was limited mainly to hikers and campers, many of whom were already devoted to Nalgene's $10 plastic version. But after this summer's deluge of headlines about the environmental impact of plastic water bottles, he's got more buyers than he even wants.

Brand Identity
"Now the same people that were blowing me off a year ago are calling me and saying, 'OK, I get it. How can I get onboard?'" Mr. Rheaume said.
Sigg -- which has the added bonus of not being made in China -- has been approached by several mass-market retailers in recent months as the once-booming $16 billion bottled-water industry, dominated by industry giants such as Nestlé, Coke and Pepsi, comes under siege.
Local level
City governments have taken up the bottled-water cause. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (who recently banned plastic grocery bags) has banned plastic water bottles in city offices and is encouraging city residents to drink from the tap. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has issued similar warnings.
Americans are taking heed. A Google search for "stop using plastic water bottles" turned up 2.3 million hits. "Bottled-water waste" turned up 1.9 million.
Sales are slowing as well. Beverage Digest reports that retail sales of bottled water (excluding vending machines and Wal-Mart) grew only 9% this year compared with 16% in 2006. Editor John Sicher doesn't think this has to do with the negative publicity and attributes it to the inevitable slowing of a long-booming industry. Not everyone agrees.
"This could be pretty significant," said Joe Pawlak, VP of restaurant consultant Technomic. "People are being more socially conscious, whether it's global warming, sustainability or landfills. I think it's an offshoot of the boomers wanting to leave a positive legacy."
PR campaign
According to water-filtration company Brita (owned by bleach giant Clorox), Americans discard 38 billion plastic water bottles a year, and it takes 1.5 billion barrels of oil to produce them.
Joe Doss, president of the International Bottled Water Association, said the bottled-water industry has been unfairly targeted. He claims that bottled water is America's No. 2 beverage (after soda) but accounts for only a third of 1% of the nation's waste. "We strongly think any efforts to reduce the environmental impact of packaging must focus on all consumer goods and not just target one industry, like bottled water," he said.
To present that point of view, in August the association began a PR and advertising campaign in newspapers such as The New York Times and San Francisco Chronicle to, as the association says, "bring balanced, positive and factual bottled-water information to consumers and community leaders."
Individual bottlers, meanwhile, are struggling to stem the tide of cold water. "I get the sense that there's a desire to vilify our industry and point to it as hurting the community," said an insider at a major bottler.
Manufacturers are reducing the materials required for their bottles, which is known as light-weighting. In recent years, Coca-Cola has reduced its Dasani bottle weight 30%, to 16 grams. PepsiCo has reduced its Aquafina bottles nearly 40%, to 15 grams, and Nestlé Waters is introducing a 12.5 gram bottle this month. Its last model was 14.5 grams. Nestlé, which owns Deer Park, Ice Mountain and Polar Spring waters, among many others, has a lot at stake. It controls nearly $4 billion of the $5 billion grocery market for single-serving bottles, according to Information Resources Inc.
While the majors are rushing to make changes, reusable-bottle companies are working to make their brands better known. Nalgene is reaching out to the mass market for the first time. Brita -- which, of course, competes with the bottled-water industry -- approached Nalgene this summer for a co-branded campaign encouraging consumers to filter tap water at home. Participants pledge at to avoid plastic water bottles for a month, a week or a year. Nalgene is also selling a $10 "Refill Not Landfill" bottle and donating $4 to the Blue Planet Run Foundation.
"With all of the press and interest in bottled-water waste, we wanted to provide a solution," said Brita Brand Manager Hank Mercier. "Brita water plus Nalgene gives you great healthy water with the convenience of being able to carry it around as well." Mr. Mercier said Brita has experienced strong sales growth since the media blitz against plastic bottles began.
Personal change
At Nalgene, Senior Marketing Manager Eric Hansen said the response has been overwhelming. "This resonates with a lot of people because so many environmental issues are so big that people can't get their head around them," he said. "Global warming is a good example. How does someone make a change in their daily habits that lets them feel like they're making a difference?"
Mr. Hansen said his company is in talks with at least three mass-market retailers interested in carrying Nalgene products in their stores. Nalgene Outdoor is the cool offshoot catering to outdoorsmen of Nalgene Nunc Corp., which primarily makes packaging, lab and scientific equipment. But even Nalgene isn't immune from controversy: The marketer has been battling some public perceptions that its thick-plastic bottles have been known to leach on the first few uses, giving a plastic taste to the water, and that they retain the flavor of other beverages -- sometimes for the life of the bottle.
"It's been an issue for us," Mr. Hansen said. The company's official statement on the leaching issue -- posted on the Nalgene Outdoor website, says: "Based on the findings of the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, The American Plastics Council and other reliable sources from around the world, we continue to firmly believe in the safety of our products."
Nestlé spokeswoman Jane Lazgin said her company has been working on bottles made from renewable material for several years. Just getting the plastic bottles to 12.5 grams meant re-engineering the bottle so it could stand up, avoid leaks and sustain suction.
Earlier this month, Coca-Cola pledged $60 million to build recycling plants. One of the plants, in Spartansburg, S.C., will be the world's largest bottle-to-bottle recycling plant -- meaning new bottles are made directly from old ones. A big problem, said Coke spokeswoman Diana Garza, is that many consumers don't have curbside recycling. Neither Coke nor Pepsi is working on a nonplastic bottle at present. They'll need to.
Even so, Technomic's Mr. Pawlack said manufacturers' recent moves are just "Band-Aids."
"They're going to be looking into more environmentally friendly packing that's biodegradable, easier to recycle or made from totally different materials," he said. "They're going to be looking at all of these types of things as we move forward. We think this whole social-consciousness issue is here to stay."

"how'd you like being in jail?"

Thursday, September 27, 2007

bat-signal? weak!

what do you get when you mix a LONG day, a tired crew, one powerful-ass light, and the now second tallest free-standing structure in the world?

Saturday, September 08, 2007


one day i will get off my ass and write something and not post a youtube video..

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Issey Miyake

Check out this awesome animation. So simple yet so good.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

what does 3 and 0 mean?

i don't know why more coaches give their batters a green light to swing away when it's 3-0. More than likely you're getting a pitch pretty close to one you get in batting practice, right down the middle; also know as meat. when i played, i got SO many hits off 3 and 0 pitches. my coaches got heated sometimes when i did it on my own, but why not? of course it depends on the situation but i think it should happen more often. i need my own baseball team.....

sorry to get all baseball on you.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

the next global super-power

i remember years ago i was driving down route 45, minding my own business then suddenly BANG!!!!!!! somehow i managed to hit a bird and it got caught under my windshield wiper. i was like damn! how is that even possible??????? so i slowed down cause i really didn't know what to do. should i a) just turn on my wipers and let it roll off b) stop and take it off with some kleenex. option a) seemed a little ruthless and harsh, but that's what i decided to do anyway. 5 wipes and some thick blood streaks later, it caught some wind and flew off. about 2 minutes later BANG!!!!! same thing happened. i am not kidding you. 100 percent truth. except this one got stuck and rolled off on it's own. no blood.

ever since then i feel like my car has been getting defaced on a regular basis. not just a few drops here and there, precise bombs placed exactly where they know i'll look at it and say "what the fu**! are you serious??????"

note: birds are pissed and they are coming for us..

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

fat robot

pick it up!

how much? free.99!
get it on their website now.


fat robot on myspace

Monday, June 25, 2007

why? does she have a penis?

computer camp love by datarock. if you can get it, check out the album. suuuuuuuuuuper good.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

richie stefanacci....

6/12 - Today was incredibly peaceful - at one point Christopher (Richard's youngest brother) called everyone into the room. All of Richard's grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers & sister came in while Christopher told Richard it was ok to let go...........pretty insightful for a 7 year old. But, Richard was truly a great teacher to of all. Teacher is a consistent word that comes from friends & family to describe him. That certainly does cover it - for this 14 year journey lead by Richard has truly taught us a great deal about living life.

As everyone came together at Richard’s side he let go just a few minutes after a visit from very special visitors from St. Peters - Fr Murphy, Sister Alice & Sister Rose who came to give Richard his last rights to assure Richard's place in heaven although there was little question of that.

So after a long year battling cancer, a year filled with challenges, some sad times but many many happy times which were only made possible because of all of you - Richard took his final trip and with him all of his family and friends - this happened at exactly 16:16 (4:16pm) today June 11th 2006.

But of course our work is not done in fact it is only beginning because despite the fact that we all feel a certain emptiness we should all be happier knowing Richard is in the happiest place - no not Disney although this was a happy place for Richard and his crew but heaven. So our work continues, to take each and every day, as a gift, which now has us helped by a little guardian angel named Richard.

As part of our work we ask that you all check in at the website over the next 24 hours for information regarding a memorial mass at St. Peters. Also please do not send anything (flowers, balloons, fruit baskets, etc) rather collect your thoughts and special memories of Richard and send them to us either in the mail or email. And also please consider a donation to Go4theGoal ( which will continue to be guided by Richard’s spirit – in a way that only Richard could lead us.

Even in dying Richard is leading us as he donated his corneas which unfortunately because of Richard’s disease was all that he could give. As he would as he had always to friends, family and strangers alike given of his all.

We truly miss you Richard……but will carry you always in our hearts.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

and somewhere the tear of a PETA member hits the floor

Anti-tank dogs, also known as dog mines, were hungry dogs with explosives harnessed to their back and trained to seek food under enemy tanks and armoured vehicles. By doing so, a detonator (usually a small wooden lever) would be set off, triggering the explosives and damaging or destroying the military vehicle.
The dogs were employed by the Soviet Union during World War II, to be used against German tanks. The dogs would be kept without food for a few days, then trained to find food under a tank. The dogs quickly learned that being released from their pens meant to run out to where a tracked vehicle was parked and find some food. Once trained, the dogs would be fitted with an explosive charge and set loose into a field of oncoming German tanks and other tracked vehicles. When the dog went underneath the tank—where there was less armour—the charge would detonate and damage the enemy vehicle.
Realization of that plan was less successful. The Hundeminen, as they were called by the Germans, had been trained using Soviet tanks, and would sometimes become confused in battle, only to turn round and run towards the Soviets' own vehicles. Other times, the dogs would spook at the rumble of a vehicle's engine and run away.
According to Soviet propaganda, the anti-tank dogs were successful at disabling a reported three hundred German tanks. They were enough of a problem to the Nazi advance that the Germans were compelled to take measures against them. An armoured vehicle's top-mounted machine gun proved ineffective due to the relatively small size of the attackers and the fact that they were low to the ground, fast, and hard to spot. Orders were dispatched that commanded every German soldier to shoot any dogs on sight. Eventually the Germans began using tank-mounted flame-throwers to ward off the dogs. They were much more successful at dissuading the attacks—but some dogs would not stop, neither for fear of the fire nor of being burned.
However, in 1942 one use of the anti-tank dogs went seriously awry when a large contingent of anti-tank dogs ran amok, endangering everyone in the battle and forcing the retreat of an entire Soviet division[citation needed]. Soon afterward the anti-tank dogs were withdrawn from service.
Training of anti-tank dogs continued until at least June 1996 (Zaloga et al 1997:72).


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

advantures at the gas station

this occurred at an empty esso gas station pump this evening at about 7:15 pm.

I had just finished pumping when a white cube truck started backing into the spot I was in. He kept getting closer and closer, honking his horn while his reverse chime was beeping.

Truck Driver: "HEY IDIOT! YOU'RE AT THE DIESEL PUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT OF THE GOD DAMN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!"

(I just pointed to the other side of the pump, which was still diesel, and vacant)

The truck driver stepped on the gas violent and sped around to the other side.

Truck Driver: "F***!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU? SOME KIND OF IDIOT?????? CAN YOU F***ING READ???????????????????"

Me: yes.


(insert more profanities here - something about not having to follow rules and thinking "we" don't have to follow rules etc.)

Truck Driver: "F***ing ridiculous......................... F***ing ridiculous........................."

A few moments of silence go by. His face is RED and he continues to give me dirty looks.

Me: "Um, do you know what TDI means?"

Truck Driver: "Excuse me???????????"

Me: "TDI. Do you know what it means?"

Truck Driver: "WH.... Oh..... F***." (Takes a peak at the back of my car) "F***. F*** man, I'm so sor.."

Me: "....shutup!"

True story.


PS for those that don't know, TDI stands for Turbo Diesel Injection.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

iPod mini's may not be that bad after all...

so the short of it is that if you have an iPod mini (yeah, an iPod MINI! remember those? came in a bunch of colors? before color screens? no, it wasn't THAT long ago), you can increase it's memory and battery to MORE than a new nano for LESS money. so why not?

sometimes... well, a lot of the time I'm glad other people have this much spare time and curiosity.

check out how to turn your iPod mini into a flash-based iPod here.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

got time?

check out this beautiful form of internet procrastination by milk (got milk?). i seriously can't believe how good this thing looks. so if you've got a half hour or want to fill a half hour, then check it out. or just check it out even if it's just to see the amazing quality. that will prolly take you a half hour. you + get the glass = half an hour of your time. it's inevitable.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

podcast for music lovers

if you're ever getting sick of the music you have and looking for something new, check out this great podcast by a friend of mine. it comes out monthly with an hour long set. it just started a few months ago but my music collection always increases after each one. check it out and subscribe free here.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

my boys..

the speaking tongues

IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

a la

Interpol Reveal Third Album Details
This is the only version of their assertion that you should ever subscribe to
Monday, it was a release date. Today, it's a tracklist and a title. Tomorrow, will it leak? Who can say, really? They may be playing us like a diminished seventh chord, but, like the salivating dogs that we are, we'll take whatever they dish out.

Interpol's third album-- about which we knew virtually nothing, like, two days ago-- will arrive July 10 via Capitol. As announced on the Interpol message board today, it's called Our Love to Admire, and it has a tracklist (which you may view after the red clicky thing). You heard it here first: it will probably also be kinda droney, coke-y, maybe with a pants-kicker or two, interspersed with some pretty bits.

In other Interpol news, Interpol cooks, and cleans up live. Catch them around the world in the coming months.

You may now proceed to get all fired up about "All Fired Up", and screen print t-shirts that read, "There's No I in Threesome".

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut, RIP

Kurt Vonnegut, the satirical novelist who captured the absurdity of war and questioned the advances of science in darkly humorous works such as "Slaughterhouse-Five" and "Cat's Cradle," died yesterday. He was 84.

Vonnegut, who often marveled that he had lived so long despite his lifelong smoking habit, had suffered brain injuries after a fall at his Manhattan home weeks ago, said his wife, photographer Jill Krementz.

The author of at least 19 novels, many of them bestsellers, as well as dozens of short stories, essays and plays, Vonnegut relished the role of a social critic. He lectured regularly, exhorting audiences to think for themselves.

"I will say anything to be funny, often in the most horrible situations," Vonnegut once told a gathering of psychiatrists.

A self-described religious skeptic and freethinking humanist, Vonnegut used protagonists such as Billy Pilgrim and Eliot Rosewater as vehicles for his points of view. He also filled his novels with satirical commentary and drawings that were only loosely connected to the plot. In "Slaughterhouse-Five," he drew a headstone with the epitaph: "Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt."

But much in his life was traumatic. Vonnegut battled depression throughout his life, and in 1984, he attempted suicide with pills and alcohol, joking later about how he botched the job.

His mother had killed herself just before he left for Germany during World War II, where he was taken prisoner during the Battle of the Bulge. He was being held in Dresden when Allied bombs created a firestorm that killed an estimated 135,000 people in the German city.

"The firebombing of Dresden explains absolutely nothing about why I write what I write and am what I am," Vonnegut wrote in "Fates Worse Than Death," his 1991 autobiography of sorts.

He spent 23 years struggling to write about the ordeal, which he survived by huddling with other POWs in an underground meat locker labeled slaughterhouse-five.

The novel, in which Pvt. Pilgrim is transported from Dresden by time-traveling aliens from the planet Tralfamadore, was published at the height of the Vietnam War. It solidified his reputation as an iconoclast.

"He was sort of like nobody else," said Gore Vidal, who noted that he, Vonnegut and Norman Mailer were among the last writers around who served in World War II.

"He was imaginative; our generation of writers didn't go in for imagination very much," Vidal said. "Literary realism was the general style. Those of us who came out of the war in the 1940s made sort of the official American prose, and it was often a bit on the dull side. Kurt was never dull."

Vonnegut was born on Nov. 11, 1922, in Indianapolis and studied chemistry at Cornell University before joining the Army.

When he returned, he reported for Chicago's City News Bureau, then did public relations for General Electric, a job he loathed. He wrote his first novel, "Player Piano," in 1951, making ends meet in his early years as a novelist by selling Saabs on Cape Cod.

Critics ignored him at first, then denigrated his bizarre stories and disjointed plots as haphazardly written science fiction. But his novels became cult classics, especially "Cat's Cradle" in 1963, in which scientists create "ice-nine," a crystal that turns water solid and destroys the Earth.

Many of his novels were bestsellers. Some also were banned and burned for suspected obscenity. Vonnegut took on censorship as an active member of the PEN writers' aid group and the American Civil Liberties Union.

His characters tended to be miserable antiheroes with little control over their fate. Pilgrim was a lonely goof. The hero of "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater" was an obese volunteer fireman.

Vonnegut said the villains in his books were never individuals, but culture, society and history, which he said were making a mess of the planet. "We probably could have saved ourselves, but we were too damned lazy to try very hard . . . and too damn cheap," he once suggested carving into a wall on the Grand Canyon, as a message for flying-saucer creatures.

He retired from novel writing in his later years but continued to publish short articles. He had a bestseller in 2005 with "A Man Without a Country," a collection of his nonfiction.

Vonnegut adopted his sister's three young children after she died. He also had three children with his first wife, Ann Cox, and later adopted a daughter with his second wife, Krementz.

Friday, April 06, 2007

next level halloween gear

some would say "NERDS!!!!!!!!!!"

i would say "Damn, that's pretty cool......................... nerds!"

Saturday, March 17, 2007

what the wealthy drink.

this is some high-quality shit. and yes, of course I bought 3 and saved a few bucks!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Family Guy - Repost

Yeah, I know I posted this like a few weeks ago and if you scroll down you can find it but the link doesn't work anymore and I'm too lazy to change it. I remember when I was first watching it i remember thinking "WHAT THE HELL IS ACTUALLY THERE?" cause everything just fit too perfectly. At first I thought it was a little kid or something but some parts I was just like ??????????????????? SO mystery solved.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

national anthem of nowhere

by apostle of hustle. album of MY week. pick it up. ding!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

beep beep boop boop beep beep beep

so yeah, look for R2D2 coming to a street corner near you.

article found here.

and no, i've never been to "" before. seriously.

Friday, February 23, 2007

black snake moan

looks interesting. samuel jackson is on a roll.... i guess.

pretty cool site though. they get an A for art direction. as for the movie, not sure yet but i have my suspicions.

::Black Snake Moan::

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


i hate to kick her when she's do..... dead but

Friday, February 09, 2007


EASILY movie of the year! ready?


Monday, January 29, 2007

the best

another reason why family guy is one of the best shows on television.

stay tuned. rant coming soon.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

fishes flesh is flesh.

wow. want some good listening? find the album writer's block by peter bjorn and john.


if you're looking for a teaser and just download songs or something, download the tracks young folks, objects of my affection, or amsterdam. you can get let's call it off HERE!" right click and save as.

i think that's all for now. i haven't been blogging much lately cause i've been super busy with work but everything is awesome. i'll find some time later to write something interesting. apparently one of the best coffee comes from the beans in the feces of a bat? i heard that at work today. i'm investigating.

Monday, January 08, 2007

word of the day: plutoed

plutoed - To be unceremoniously relegated to a much lower position without
adequate reason or explanation.

Company CEO Greg walked into office on Monday morning only to cruelly learn
that he had been plutoed by the Board to Head of Office Administration.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


so last night I went to pay for the parking spot I found downtown. the man renting it out name is joe and he's about 70 and from portugal. the first time i called him i almost couldn't contain myself because he sounded exactly like Latka, one of andy kaufmans characters. everything was ended in "thankyouvellymuch!" so i went to his place to make the drop and we ended up having coffee to "celebrate". we ended up talking for about an hour or so just about whatever. well, he kinda gave me his life story. we talked about work and how government jobs are some of the best jobs to get. he told me about when he stopped going to school when he was little and no one encouraged him to go back and when he did want to, he couldn't or else he would have been fired. more so then, education was power so employers wouldn't happily let you take a couple hours and smarten up in fear that you would leave them shortly after. he told me about how he cheated to become a driver for the military and took notes on his arm listening to the people that actually knew what they were talking about, which lead him to make tons of money because nobody else really had a drivers license. he had tons of stories and i'm sure he has tons more. what an interesting man. i think he plays chess so i just may have a new chess buddy.

"analyze life before marriage."
joe dealmeida