sony definitely doesn't get it. you cannot battle the iPod with this thing. people are more in love with the lifestyle that apple has created more than the product. yes they fall in love with it once they have it but if you ask any joe schmo on the street what he wanted, a sony mp3 player or an apple iPod...... apple has a lifestyle and image that goes a long with it. thats what people are buying. people want you to know they have an iPod, thats why they wear it outside their pants along with their white earbuds. that's why its up there as being one of the most stolen items on the market. apple does make amazing stuff but i dont think most people realize it. that's why you have people with powerbooks and iPods and don't have the slightest idea command (apple) "tab" does or know what an external hard drive is. know what i'm saying?
image. image is everything.
1 comment:
its funny you know cause apple tab originated on the PC, or rather the X86 windows platfor.
its true sony doesnt get it they keep trying ot regain market share vs the ipod in a battle they are surly to loose.
they need to figure out what they already have, sure their products are locked into a poor memory format, crippled by a DRM that allows you to do nothing, unfriendly software and a download service (connect) which is only available for the windows users. but what does sony have?
they have a huge market of music and entertainment. what can they do it it? well alot. first you should start by pushing music you can only get on the sony lable, heck its a reason apple is in negotiations with sony to provide sony music on ITMS in japan. push artists and songs you can only get on a sony player or in their neato ATRAC format. they are never going ot bump the ipod out of the #1 position especially when you see that samsung is selling parts to apple for lets say the new ipod nano at a 50% reduction than to other competitors.
sony needs to come up with new ways to position its product, its obvious that it has limitations but the only real place they will change is their interaction with new comers to the digital music scene.
its funny that you bring this up there has been some great discussions in brainstorming about this very subject. someinteresting things have come up. haha.
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