Meph and Stike.
steph and mike got married july 22nd and had a pretty amazing wedding.... apart from the powder frosted blue tuxedos. the reception was nice and apparently "80 percent chance of thunderstorms; prepare to seek shelter" warnings aren't really that accurate. the wind picked up, it started to spit, but then it just kinda went away. could you ask for a better sign about a marriage? haha. the reception was followed by a pretty fun dinner. i was kinda bumming on that whole "head table" deal cause the whole time i wanted to sit with my cute girlfriend, but i guess it's tradition or whatever. the dinner was followed by a hilarious couple hours of karaoke. who has karaoke at a wedding? the falcones do and i guarantee anyone at that wedding that wasn't married is considering having it at their wedding. those same people are probably trying to figure out how they can contract dave malinsky and kris marsh to come out and perform "Purple Rain" hahaha!
elephants are dinosaurs and .139 is NOT good.
misty got us tickets to the phillies game for my birthday so the day after the wedding we headed to philadelphia. we had to check-out at like noon so we had a bunch of time to kill and what better way to kill time then to check out a zoo. the zoo is so amazing. it's just so gnarly to see animals that you don't see everyday. and it's also gnarly to think how effed you'd get if you ever met one of these things in the wild. could you even fathom what would and could happen if you ever encountered, say, a cheetah? or a tiger? or a lion? seeing these animals on tv is one thing. seeing this animals in person is another! elephants = amazing. have you ever looked at one of those things? they seriously amaze me. if you think about it, they are really modern day dinosaurs. a cheetah is a form of cat. so is a tiger. a chimpanzee is a monkey. a condor is a bird. what the hell is an elephant? anyway, those things are amazing. and aardvarks aren't serious. they're puppets!
after the zoo we headed to the ball game. i definitely LOVE baseball and it has been so long since i've been to a game which made it that much better. my girlfriend did good! the game was pretty good. great plays, nutty fans in superhero costumes, girls cheating on their boyfriends and hiding when on the big screen, managers putting in pinch hitters with averages like .139 in the 9th inning down by 2 none out and 2 on, shit talking critics...... great game.
so that's about it. i'm still at woodward in pa but will be heading to nyc in a few weeks and then back to toronto to collect more business cards and live off scraps. things are settling down a bit so expect regular updates again.
ps ben hittle is good!

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