the speaking tongues!!!!!!!!!! went to their first live performance ever and i can honestly say, unbiased, it was pretty sick. i think one of the hardest things to achieve with a band of only 2 people is "fullness" and mr. ross/mr. doyle did it and did it good! great show!!! i guess TECHNICALLY, i am the brainchild of this operation. if i never would have quit my job and told aaron to get in there then the speaking tongues would never have come together. *pat, *pat, *pat! i'm going to be RICH!
check them out here: to download
my long gone baby also, a shout out to chris, who is
Mantler. all i can say is, and i know it's cliche, don't judge a book by it's cover. especially when that book cover is an older, balding white guy, with a completely white tuxedo, white pointed boots, a black bandana around his neck, that performs with a keyboard and an electronic drum machine.
check me out. imma groupie!

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