abbreviated form of 'wassup' which derives from "What's up?" Used as a general greeting or a brief 'how are you' by people who are too hip for full sentences.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
the bends
the other day i was talking to my friend mike about all the music on our computers that have zero plays. basically what happens is someone says "Hey, do you have this?" or you say "Hey, what's is this? Can I have it?" then you take it, save it, and forget about it. we both have gigs and gigs of unlistened music. i have a SO much. not that i don't now what it is or haven't heard it, well, some of it, but i just haven't taken the time to listen to it. i've been too busy listening to the new music that comes around. last night i started going through all the "0" plays and EFF!, radiohead - the bends is SO GOOD. i think it's their best album and can't believe that i've neglected it for so long. if you don't know it, check it out. you won't be disappointed. in the meantime, check out this video from a track on the album. love it! (OK Computer is really awesome, too)
fyi, i put it "there." if you know me, and you know where "there" is, pick it up. DING!
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