help child
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
100 best tracks of 2008

it's that time of year. get ready for a barrage of best (insert anything here) of 2008 lists. one that i regularly look for is pitchfork's top 100 lists. it's a fantastic way to review a ton of music that you might not have come across. top albums to come....
Pitchfork Best 100 Tracks of 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
the importance of being hated.
an article from quite awhile ago that came up in conversation today. interesting.....
The Importance of Being Hated
In this golden age of enmity, friends are for suckers. What you need are a pair of well-chosen foes.
by Chuck Klosterman | Apr 01 '04
"It's not what you know," they say. "It's who you know." We have all heard this sentiment, and we all reflexively agree with it. This is because "they" are hard to debate, especially since "they" never seem to be in the room whenever anyone makes reference to them. Yet they have a secret shame, and it's a shame they can't deny: They are losers. They are failures. They don't realize that life is?almost without exception?an absolute meritocracy, and everyone who succeeds completely deserves it.* The only people who disagree with this are people who will never succeed at anything. You see, "they" want you to believe the passageway to power is all about cultivating allies, so they spend all their time trying to make friends and influence people. And this is why they fail. It rarely matters who is on your side; what matters is who is against you. Unlike Gloria Loring, you don't need a friend and you don't need a lover. What you need is a) one quality nemesis, and b) one archenemy. These are the two most important characters in the life of any successful human. We measure ourselves against our nemeses, and we long to destroy our archenemies. Nemeses and archenemies are the catalysts for everything.
Now, I know that you're probably asking yourself, How do I know the difference between my nemesis and my archenemy? Here is the short answer: You kind of like your nemesis, despite the fact that you despise him. If your nemesis invited you out for cocktails, you would accept the offer. If he died, you would attend his funeral and?privately?you might shed a tear over his passing. But you would never have drinks with your archenemy, unless you were attempting to spike his gin with hemlock. If you were to perish, your archenemy would dance on your grave, and then he'd burn down your house and molest your children. You hate your archenemy so much that you try to keep your hatred secret, because you don't want your archenemy to have the satisfaction of being hated.
If this distinction seems confusing, just ask your girlfriend to explain it in detail; women have always intuitively grasped the nemesis/archenemy dichotomy. Every woman I've ever known has had at least one close friend whose only purpose in life is to criticize her actions, compete for the attention of men, and drive her insane; very often, this is a woman's best friend . Every woman also has a former friend (usually someone from high school with large breasts) whom she has loathed for years (and whom she will continue to loath with the intensity of a thousand suns, even if she sees her only once every ten years). This is her archenemy. Women intrinsically understand human dynamics, and this makes them unstoppable. Unfortunately, the average man is less adroit at fostering such rivalries, which is why most men remain average. Males are better at hating things that can't hate them back (e.g., lawn mowers, cats, the 1986 Denver Broncos, et cetera). Most men fail to see a world beyond themselves; if given the choice, they would connect themselves to nothing. But greatness cannot be achieved in a vacuum, and great people know that.
In the 1980s, Larry Bird's nemesis was Magic Johnson, and it was always beautiful when they tangled. But Bird's archenemy wasn't Magic; it was Isiah Thomas. When the Celtics played the Pistons, it was a train wreck, and it went deeper than basketball: In 1987, Isiah supported Dennis "Rush" Rodman when he claimed Bird was famous only because he was white. Larry forgave Isiah in public, but he still iced him in the end; the first thing Bird did after becoming president of the Pacers was fire Zeke as head coach. Steve Jobs is Bill Gates's nemesis, but if Gates had only one bullet in his revolver, he'd shoot David Boies. J. R. Ewing was at war with nemesis/brother Bobby for twelve seasons (thirteen if you count the year Victoria Principal dreamed he was dead), but Cliff Barnes was the true Minotaur of Southfork. Jack White turned Von Bondies singer Jason Stollsteimer's face into a speed bag, but Stollsteimer barely even deserves nemesis stature; White's archenemy is Ryan Adams (although he'd be better off if it were Julian Casablancas of the Strokes). The Joker was Batman's nemesis, but?ironically?his archenemy was Superman, since Superman made Batman seem entirely mortal and generally nonessential. Nobody likes to admit this, but Batman hated Superman; Superman is the reason Batman became an alcoholic. **
This fall, George W. Bush will seek reelection, and whoever the Democrats end up nominating will become Bush's "nemesis by default" (although not his true nemesis; that will always be John McCain). But none of the candidates has a shot at becoming Bush's archenemy; that designation is inflexible. W's archenemy is Bill Clinton (mostly because Bill beat up his dad in '92). George W. Bush will never face the man he hates most; this is why George W. Bush will never achieve greatness. However, when we get to 2008?when Clinton's wife faces the little brother of her husband's archenemy?it will be a bloodbath. When the families of archenemies collide, skulls get pounded into pulp. Jeb?Hillary will be like Frazier?Ali III.
I was sitting in the passenger seat of my nemesis's Buick Skylark when he punched me in 1992; I jacked his jaw at a keg party in '94. These days I mostly just read his blog, although we did have a pressure-packed lunch at the Fargo Olive Garden over Christmas. Meanwhile, I've had the same archenemy since eighth grade: He's a guy named Rick Helling, and he grew up in Lakota, North Dakota. Last year, Helling pitched a few innings for the Marlins in the World Series; in 1998, he won twenty games for the Rangers. I went to basketball camp with Rick Helling in 1985, and he was the single worst person I'd ever met. Every summer, I constantly scan the sports section of USA Today , always hoping that he got shelled. This is what drives me. I cannot live in a world where Helling's career ERA hovers below 5.00, yet all I do for a living is type . As long as Rick Helling walks this earth, I shall never sleep soundly.
I realize there are those who don't think it's necessary (or even wise) to consciously create adversaries; Will Rogers claimed that he never met a man he didn't like. But what is Will Rogers famous for, really? For telling jokes that don't have punch lines? For wearing a bandanna like an ascot? Who wants that for a legacy? There is a reason they say, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." Granted, "they" usually don't know what they're talking about, but sometimes "they" get lucky, you know?
*The exceptions being Dale Peck, MTV on-air personalities who aren't Kurt Loder, Al Franken, and myself.
**This is speculative.
As the accompanying essay makes clear, you'll need a nemesis and an archenemy if you wish to be successful in this world. The good news is, it's entirely possible that you already have each of these entities in your life; perhaps you just don't realize it (or maybe you can't tell them apart). As a public service, here are a few signs.
- At some point in the past, this person was (arguably) your best friend.
- You have punched this person in the face.
- If invited, you would go to this person's wedding and give him a spice rack, but you would secretly hope that his marriage ends in a bitter, public divorce.
- People who barely know both of you assume you are close friends; people who know both of you intimately suspect that you profoundly dislike each other.
- If your archenemy tried to kill you, this person would attempt to stop him.
- Every time you talk to this person, you lie.
- If you meet someone who has the same first name as this person, you immediately like him less.
- The satisfaction you feel from your own success pales in comparison to the despair you feel at this person's triumphs, even if those triumphs are completely unrelated to your life.
- If this person slept with your girlfriend, she would never be attractive to you again.
- Even if this person's girlfriend was a hateful bitch, you would sleep with her out of spite.
The Importance of Being Hated
In this golden age of enmity, friends are for suckers. What you need are a pair of well-chosen foes.
by Chuck Klosterman | Apr 01 '04
"It's not what you know," they say. "It's who you know." We have all heard this sentiment, and we all reflexively agree with it. This is because "they" are hard to debate, especially since "they" never seem to be in the room whenever anyone makes reference to them. Yet they have a secret shame, and it's a shame they can't deny: They are losers. They are failures. They don't realize that life is?almost without exception?an absolute meritocracy, and everyone who succeeds completely deserves it.* The only people who disagree with this are people who will never succeed at anything. You see, "they" want you to believe the passageway to power is all about cultivating allies, so they spend all their time trying to make friends and influence people. And this is why they fail. It rarely matters who is on your side; what matters is who is against you. Unlike Gloria Loring, you don't need a friend and you don't need a lover. What you need is a) one quality nemesis, and b) one archenemy. These are the two most important characters in the life of any successful human. We measure ourselves against our nemeses, and we long to destroy our archenemies. Nemeses and archenemies are the catalysts for everything.
Now, I know that you're probably asking yourself, How do I know the difference between my nemesis and my archenemy? Here is the short answer: You kind of like your nemesis, despite the fact that you despise him. If your nemesis invited you out for cocktails, you would accept the offer. If he died, you would attend his funeral and?privately?you might shed a tear over his passing. But you would never have drinks with your archenemy, unless you were attempting to spike his gin with hemlock. If you were to perish, your archenemy would dance on your grave, and then he'd burn down your house and molest your children. You hate your archenemy so much that you try to keep your hatred secret, because you don't want your archenemy to have the satisfaction of being hated.
If this distinction seems confusing, just ask your girlfriend to explain it in detail; women have always intuitively grasped the nemesis/archenemy dichotomy. Every woman I've ever known has had at least one close friend whose only purpose in life is to criticize her actions, compete for the attention of men, and drive her insane; very often, this is a woman's best friend . Every woman also has a former friend (usually someone from high school with large breasts) whom she has loathed for years (and whom she will continue to loath with the intensity of a thousand suns, even if she sees her only once every ten years). This is her archenemy. Women intrinsically understand human dynamics, and this makes them unstoppable. Unfortunately, the average man is less adroit at fostering such rivalries, which is why most men remain average. Males are better at hating things that can't hate them back (e.g., lawn mowers, cats, the 1986 Denver Broncos, et cetera). Most men fail to see a world beyond themselves; if given the choice, they would connect themselves to nothing. But greatness cannot be achieved in a vacuum, and great people know that.
In the 1980s, Larry Bird's nemesis was Magic Johnson, and it was always beautiful when they tangled. But Bird's archenemy wasn't Magic; it was Isiah Thomas. When the Celtics played the Pistons, it was a train wreck, and it went deeper than basketball: In 1987, Isiah supported Dennis "Rush" Rodman when he claimed Bird was famous only because he was white. Larry forgave Isiah in public, but he still iced him in the end; the first thing Bird did after becoming president of the Pacers was fire Zeke as head coach. Steve Jobs is Bill Gates's nemesis, but if Gates had only one bullet in his revolver, he'd shoot David Boies. J. R. Ewing was at war with nemesis/brother Bobby for twelve seasons (thirteen if you count the year Victoria Principal dreamed he was dead), but Cliff Barnes was the true Minotaur of Southfork. Jack White turned Von Bondies singer Jason Stollsteimer's face into a speed bag, but Stollsteimer barely even deserves nemesis stature; White's archenemy is Ryan Adams (although he'd be better off if it were Julian Casablancas of the Strokes). The Joker was Batman's nemesis, but?ironically?his archenemy was Superman, since Superman made Batman seem entirely mortal and generally nonessential. Nobody likes to admit this, but Batman hated Superman; Superman is the reason Batman became an alcoholic. **
This fall, George W. Bush will seek reelection, and whoever the Democrats end up nominating will become Bush's "nemesis by default" (although not his true nemesis; that will always be John McCain). But none of the candidates has a shot at becoming Bush's archenemy; that designation is inflexible. W's archenemy is Bill Clinton (mostly because Bill beat up his dad in '92). George W. Bush will never face the man he hates most; this is why George W. Bush will never achieve greatness. However, when we get to 2008?when Clinton's wife faces the little brother of her husband's archenemy?it will be a bloodbath. When the families of archenemies collide, skulls get pounded into pulp. Jeb?Hillary will be like Frazier?Ali III.
I was sitting in the passenger seat of my nemesis's Buick Skylark when he punched me in 1992; I jacked his jaw at a keg party in '94. These days I mostly just read his blog, although we did have a pressure-packed lunch at the Fargo Olive Garden over Christmas. Meanwhile, I've had the same archenemy since eighth grade: He's a guy named Rick Helling, and he grew up in Lakota, North Dakota. Last year, Helling pitched a few innings for the Marlins in the World Series; in 1998, he won twenty games for the Rangers. I went to basketball camp with Rick Helling in 1985, and he was the single worst person I'd ever met. Every summer, I constantly scan the sports section of USA Today , always hoping that he got shelled. This is what drives me. I cannot live in a world where Helling's career ERA hovers below 5.00, yet all I do for a living is type . As long as Rick Helling walks this earth, I shall never sleep soundly.
I realize there are those who don't think it's necessary (or even wise) to consciously create adversaries; Will Rogers claimed that he never met a man he didn't like. But what is Will Rogers famous for, really? For telling jokes that don't have punch lines? For wearing a bandanna like an ascot? Who wants that for a legacy? There is a reason they say, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." Granted, "they" usually don't know what they're talking about, but sometimes "they" get lucky, you know?
*The exceptions being Dale Peck, MTV on-air personalities who aren't Kurt Loder, Al Franken, and myself.
**This is speculative.
As the accompanying essay makes clear, you'll need a nemesis and an archenemy if you wish to be successful in this world. The good news is, it's entirely possible that you already have each of these entities in your life; perhaps you just don't realize it (or maybe you can't tell them apart). As a public service, here are a few signs.
- At some point in the past, this person was (arguably) your best friend.
- You have punched this person in the face.
- If invited, you would go to this person's wedding and give him a spice rack, but you would secretly hope that his marriage ends in a bitter, public divorce.
- People who barely know both of you assume you are close friends; people who know both of you intimately suspect that you profoundly dislike each other.
- If your archenemy tried to kill you, this person would attempt to stop him.
- Every time you talk to this person, you lie.
- If you meet someone who has the same first name as this person, you immediately like him less.
- The satisfaction you feel from your own success pales in comparison to the despair you feel at this person's triumphs, even if those triumphs are completely unrelated to your life.
- If this person slept with your girlfriend, she would never be attractive to you again.
- Even if this person's girlfriend was a hateful bitch, you would sleep with her out of spite.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
sorry for all the political posts lately but it's just so fascinating. i can't wait to see how this all pans out. it's actually kind of terrifying.....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
if you've got some time...

if you've got some time (an hour and a half) and are at all interested, HERE is the final presidential debate between Obama and McCain.
note: i'm not responsible for any of your anger that is built up due to the content of this video.
another note: feel free to enjoy this video with youtube's new features? you can "turn down the lights" and watch it in "theatre view." fancy fancy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
the black mobile

here she is. 2 words: SO GOOD. this is downtown transportation made easy. i can't stress enough how easy it has made commuting. this past weekend nuit blanche was on and having a bike made the experience amazing. last year, we were basically stuck on one main street hoping to see a bunch of cool installations and we really didn't want to have to keep hopping on and off the street car and subway. So we didn't get to see much of anything. just a bunch of local stuff. but this year, we actually got to see pretty much all the sponsored international works. there were 3 zones and i can't imagine a better way to have done it than on a bike. you could have walked but that would have been the longest night. subway/streetcar? maybe. but then you've got to buy tickets and stuff and deal with crowds. biking made it simple and a blast. riding through the downtown core and traffic made the night even better and exhilarating.
i ended up setting up a single speed bike rather than one with gears or one that was fixed. gears for downtown really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. i think i would only be transferring between 3 gears MAX anyway. downtown is mostly flat and you can get going pretty quick with the right gear. also, it makes your bike much simpler and easy to maintain and lighter for carrying around and/or hanging. AND much more sleek and aesthetically pleasing. fixed? cool idea. great for going slow. lots of control. but for those times there is a hill or i want to just coast, on a fixed, not going to happen - unless of course you take your feet of and let your pedals just spin and carve up your shins. for the times that i am going down a hill, i'm going to want to coast and enjoy it. not pedal out of my mind. just my opinion.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
busking for change

Musicians take to the streets for War Child
Over fifty musicians will be hitting the streets on Thursday October 2nd, 2008, to take part in Busking For Change, a day long busking event to raise money for War Child Canada.
Busking for Change was inspired by Raine Maida of Our Lady Peace, who spent twelve hours busking for War Child Canada on Toronto streets last October. Raine raised an astonishing $22,000 for War Child Canada¹s Rehabilitation project in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
"Last year, hope began in the dark on a cold early October morning in Toronto," says Raine Maida. "As the sun began to set on my 12 hour busking journey, hope had transformed itself into $22,000 dollars and a guarantee that a school would be rebuilt by War Child Canada in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This year, Busking for Change takes that little idea and helps it grow into something mighty. Please come out and support all of us artists as we busk the streets of Toronto, proving yet again that hope may begin in the dark but ends on a brilliant ray of light."
Artists busking include Our Lady Peace, James Black & Rick Jackett of Finger Eleven, Die Mannequin, Neverending White Lights, Tomi Swick, Chantal Kreviazuk, Saint Alvia Cartel, The Skydiggers, Dave Bidini, Zack Werner, Flash Lightnin’, Lowest of The Low, Brown Brigade, The Painted Birds, The Waking Eyes, Joshua Bartholomew, Shiloh, Jeremy Fisher, Arkells, Brian Melo, Mother Mother, Suzie McNeil, Brian Byrne, Dodger, Aengus Finnan, The Apollo Effect, Hello Beautiful, Staylefish, The Artist Life, Kim Stockwood, Damhnait Doyle, The Great Lake Swimmers, Crash Parallel, Hunter Valentine and more …
Busking for Change will begin at 7a.m. and continue through 6p.m. Artists will move to various locations throughout the city including Queen & John, First Canadian Place, Brookfield Place (Bay & Wellington), Union Station, Metro Hall Square, Manulife Centre, Queen & Spadina, Simcoe Park, Princess of Wales Theatre, Cumberland Park, Royal Ontario Museum, Bata Shoe Museum, Yonge & St. Clair and 228 Yonge St.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
bike building

so part of my large plan of moving downtown was getting a bike. i still have a car (still in the shop) but it's much easier and faster to zip around downtown on a bike. faster than walking, driving, and public transit by far. not to mention it's better for your health and the environment.
there's a place downtown called the community bicycle network and basically what they do is take in old bikes and donations, refurbish them and sell them back into the community. it's pretty sick because they have a wall full of old frames and parts and you can just pick and choose. so what i did was got a frame from them for $40 and am getting all new parts for it i.e. wheels, bars, etc. the frame is in great condition so really, i'm getting a new bike for nothing. total price will about about $300. most road bike are going for at least $600 bucks and up these days.
this is 'stage one' of my bike. after i got the frame i took it, stripped the paint and sanded it down. wasn't a huge fan of the metallic blue. after i had it down to its skivvies, i took it uptown to get it powder coated a sick semi-gloss almost matte black. since at the time they didn't have any forks that fitted the frame, i just went out and bought a black Giant road fork. all that's left now is the parts and the building of it which should be done today. i guess i skipped documentation of all the steps in between so stay tuned for the finished product.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
know ryan mcginness

for those that don't know ryan mcginness, you should definitely check him out. his work is made up of icons and layers, layers, and more layers. i attended the opening of his show in toronto last week and it was fantastic. his work is the type that you could literally look at for hours and constantly see something new. he's mastered the art of designing pieces that at first glance, look totally cluttered and random but with more investigation, very deep in concept. ahh-some stuff.
Monday, September 29, 2008
remember mr. oizo?
why is this hilarious? i don't know. i guess it's the attention to "human" detail. but it never gets old. not to me anyway.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
you know what's sick? insurance!

so i just moved into a new area downtown like, 2 weeks ago. pretty psyched to be finally downtown and not have to trek anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours in the morning to get to work. now, i'm about a 35 minute walk/12 minute bike ride in. though i'm downtown, i'm still going to keep my car. 2 reasons: a) it's awesome. 02 2 door diesel is a rarity. it's nice to drive from here to the moon and back on weekends on a single tank. b) i still do a lot of driving on the weekends so i don't want to feel confined to downtown or have to rely on a rental or anything like that.
anyway, where i live now, there is only street parking. it's its own little community so there isn't a high volume of cars going through there. it just sucks to not have an assigned spot. so basically what happens is if i drove somewhere and am back late, i might have to park further away from my place than normal. which is fine because i can usually move it where i want it in the morning. so yesterday i saw "my" spot open so i went to get my car (like 200 metres away) and move it.i hopped in my car and drove it down towards my place and outta nowhere this Mitsubishi hatchback drives out of this underground parking lot making a left. he was doing one of those look-for-traffic-while-still-moving deals. i guess he didn't expect anyone to be there.
cue - collision.
i didn't really have much time to react so i basically plowed into his drivers side door and front wheel. my air bags went off and all that jazz. when the smoke from the airbags finally cleared, i rolled down my window to ask if the dude was ok and he was already screaming. "UNBELIEVABLE!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SPEEDING? UN-BELIEVABLE!!!!!" it's amazing how much more irate people get when they are at fault. he was pretty livid so i basically just got out and sat on the curb. i was a little terrified to look at my car because the first thing i thought was SHIAT!! good-bye 2 door diesel!!! FAK!!!!! i looked up from the curb and i could see my car "in" his car. pretty good dent. his car, not so good. crumpled like someone stepped on a soda can. it was like his car was made of that hard foam stuff that people arrange plants in. i got up to look at mine and surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. engine was still intact so that was a huge relief! front bumper totally did its job. ambulance came, tow trucks, police. i didn't even talk to the other driver at all because he was too heated and insane. i calmly went about my business - gave the officer the story, called my insurance company etc. the damage didn't look TOO bad but it should all be covered since i wasn't at fault and he was in the process of making a left which in almost all cases leaves that driver responsible.
yesterday i called the body shop to make sure they were going to take pictures and stuff and if they could send those my way. i didn't have anything on me to take pictures but i wanted to have them for future reference. so i got that stuff today along with the quote going to my insurance co. and the bill was a smooth $8,000. a bunch of the cost was because of the airbags. if you need those replaced ever, it's a big deal. almost a third of that price was for the airbags alone.
so the great news is everything is repairable. i'll be getting my awesome car back in a bit better shape it was going in and my trips to the moon will commence in a couple weeks.
volkswagens - structurally AWESOME! mini tanks.
Mitsubishi's - tin cans
airbag residue - burns
airbag replacement - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
i.d. - make sure all your pieces of i.d. are up to date with your current address because cops COULD charge you 150 bucks (in toronto) for each piece that isn't updated.
insurance - key!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
if somehow the entire fresh prince cast could stay the same age and never get any older, that show would have lasted forever.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008

meet jamie "wayne" g, our latest intern art director. big dude. big, big dude. 6'2", long blond dreads, probably pushing 190-200, low innard-shaking voice. today, jamie unfortunately made the mistake of leaving his computer and email unattended. like a ninja turtle that smells a pizza, someone jumped at the opportunity and sent out an email to the entire company:
Hey guys:
I brought in a small container of 2% milk today that seems to have gone missing from the fridge.
I know I'm just an intern but I have osteoporosis in my family and therefore ask that you please respect my foodstuffs in the future.
If anyone has drunk my milk please replace it.
Thanks so much,
poor jamie hahahaha
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
story of the month! haven't blog in awhile but this story will more than make up for it. i shouldn't have to blog for years after this story.....
so, everyday around 5 or 6 i walk a few blocks to where i park in the morning, get my car and drive it back to the agency. when i work late, which is most nights, it's just nice to get in my car that's in the parking lot and drive home rather than making the trek out there at 12 am. anyway, so i'm walking up the street where my car is parked and i see in the distance running down the street on the opposite side is a bum (through telling this story, i've been corrected and apparently the politically correct term is "hobo"). so this hobo is tearing down the street clumsily, tripping over himself, and at the same time looking back at the two bike cops gaining on him FAST! just to paint a better picture in your mind, it just stopped raining so everything is wet. it's a one way street so there are some cars parked on my side of the street. the houses on both dies are 2 stories and look pretty ragged and old and have mini front lawns with ghetto metal fences around them. the hobo is about 5'8"-5'9", shoulder length blond scraggly hair, and a sketchy looking beard. he's wearing a white button-up short sleeve shirt that's not buttoned exposing his beer belly. he's got tanned dirty-ass shorts on, bowed legs and some brown, old work boots with no socks.
so, he's tearing down the street and the bike cops are on his ass. one of them is on the sidewalk, the other on the road. the cop on the sidewalk sort of catches up to him, dismounts off the side, and starts running after him. after a few strides he's close, and grabs the hobos shirt. he tries to reel him in but the hobo is frantic and trying to break loose.
now, enter SUPERCOP.
the bike cop that was on the road is still on his bike and is seeing all this happen. so he stays on his bike and rides until he's about parallel to the duo, a little behind them. he starts to turn towards them until he's about 8-10 feet away. so then "SUPERCOP" pulls his front brakes, gets ejected over his bars, and is now in the air en route to the other cop and hobo. and when i say over the bars, i mean straight as hell over the bars. not half-asses and over the sides. now, however you're imaging this cops form in the air, it was 100 times better. his legs were almost straight and his arms were spread as if he was about to give a bear hug to.... a bear. it was sort of like any illustrations you've seen of wolverine about to mess someone up - example here. so dude's in the air towards the other cop and hobo and tackles them hard on and cause the 3 to hit the ground. the hobo lands head first on the sidewalk, the sidewalk cop on top of him and SUPERCOP on top of both of them. the cops quickly scramble up, twist the hobos arms behind his back and slap some cuffs on him. the hobo is completely dazed and confused while a bit of blood starts to drip from his forehead where it hit the sidewalk.
this entire time, i'm watching this thing happen, mouth open, listening to 'stepping out' by joe jackson as the soundtrack. while they were getting up a pulled out my earphones and looked at the woman standing in front of me. i'm all "HOLY SHIT!" and she's all "OH MY GOD!" a couple minutes later a cruiser shows up and collects the hobo.
probably the CRAZIEST thing i've ever seen. i wonder how long that cop has been waiting to pull that out. also, i wonder if that's something they are taught or was that something he figured out on his own and perfected. anyway, craazy!
so, everyday around 5 or 6 i walk a few blocks to where i park in the morning, get my car and drive it back to the agency. when i work late, which is most nights, it's just nice to get in my car that's in the parking lot and drive home rather than making the trek out there at 12 am. anyway, so i'm walking up the street where my car is parked and i see in the distance running down the street on the opposite side is a bum (through telling this story, i've been corrected and apparently the politically correct term is "hobo"). so this hobo is tearing down the street clumsily, tripping over himself, and at the same time looking back at the two bike cops gaining on him FAST! just to paint a better picture in your mind, it just stopped raining so everything is wet. it's a one way street so there are some cars parked on my side of the street. the houses on both dies are 2 stories and look pretty ragged and old and have mini front lawns with ghetto metal fences around them. the hobo is about 5'8"-5'9", shoulder length blond scraggly hair, and a sketchy looking beard. he's wearing a white button-up short sleeve shirt that's not buttoned exposing his beer belly. he's got tanned dirty-ass shorts on, bowed legs and some brown, old work boots with no socks.
so, he's tearing down the street and the bike cops are on his ass. one of them is on the sidewalk, the other on the road. the cop on the sidewalk sort of catches up to him, dismounts off the side, and starts running after him. after a few strides he's close, and grabs the hobos shirt. he tries to reel him in but the hobo is frantic and trying to break loose.
now, enter SUPERCOP.
the bike cop that was on the road is still on his bike and is seeing all this happen. so he stays on his bike and rides until he's about parallel to the duo, a little behind them. he starts to turn towards them until he's about 8-10 feet away. so then "SUPERCOP" pulls his front brakes, gets ejected over his bars, and is now in the air en route to the other cop and hobo. and when i say over the bars, i mean straight as hell over the bars. not half-asses and over the sides. now, however you're imaging this cops form in the air, it was 100 times better. his legs were almost straight and his arms were spread as if he was about to give a bear hug to.... a bear. it was sort of like any illustrations you've seen of wolverine about to mess someone up - example here. so dude's in the air towards the other cop and hobo and tackles them hard on and cause the 3 to hit the ground. the hobo lands head first on the sidewalk, the sidewalk cop on top of him and SUPERCOP on top of both of them. the cops quickly scramble up, twist the hobos arms behind his back and slap some cuffs on him. the hobo is completely dazed and confused while a bit of blood starts to drip from his forehead where it hit the sidewalk.
this entire time, i'm watching this thing happen, mouth open, listening to 'stepping out' by joe jackson as the soundtrack. while they were getting up a pulled out my earphones and looked at the woman standing in front of me. i'm all "HOLY SHIT!" and she's all "OH MY GOD!" a couple minutes later a cruiser shows up and collects the hobo.
probably the CRAZIEST thing i've ever seen. i wonder how long that cop has been waiting to pull that out. also, i wonder if that's something they are taught or was that something he figured out on his own and perfected. anyway, craazy!
Car plows into Mexican bike race, one dead

MONTERREY, Mexico - A car plowed into a bike race along a highway near the U.S.-Mexico border, killing one and injuring 10 others Sunday.
The 28-year-old driver was apparently drunk and fell asleep when he crashed into the race, police investigator Jose Alfredo Rodriguez said Monday.
A photograph taken by a city official showed bicyclists and equipment being hurled high into the air by the collision.
Rodriguez said Juan Campos was charged with killing 37-year-old Alejandro Alvarez of Monterrey.
Authorities said the wreck happened 15 minutes into the 34-kilometre race Sunday along a highway between Playa Bagdad and Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas.
Campos said he is an American citizen living in Brownsville. The U.S. Consulate could not immediately confirm that.
"We are looking into the incident in terms of whether American citizens were involved," consulate spokesman Todd Huizinga said.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 05, 2008
some more procrastination....

what a time waster. but a pretty cool one at that. how could you say no to a basset hound that can scratch?
check it out here:
Sunday, May 04, 2008
lucas with the lid off
"An excellent music video that aired briefly on MTV in 1994 and soon became largely forgotten. This one was filmed in B&W to produce an old-timey ambience that works very well with the ragtime sound. Pay close attention to the continuity. The whole video was filmed with a steadycam, in one continuous unbelievably difficult task that only someone like Michel Gondry could pull off."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
"black" kids

newish band from jacksonville florida. pretty sick if i do say so myself. who do they sound like? mmmmmmmmm a little bit of The Cure and a little bit of Arcade Fire, maybe? a little Go Team too? i don't know. check them out at the link below. enjoy!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
what do they feed those kids....
i love the kid on the left. breaks character only twice and smiles but other than that, a focused robot. i'm sure the programmers will fix that and those smiles will be gone.
DJ Sara and DJ Ryusei
DJ Sara and DJ Ryusei
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

happy jackie robinson day.
Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia in 1919 to a family of sharecroppers. His mother, Mallie Robinson, single-handedly raised Jackie and her four other children. They were the only black family on their block, and the prejudice they encountered only strengthened their bond. From this humble beginning would grow the first baseball player to break Major League Baseball's color barrier that segregated the sport for more than 50 years.
Growing up in a large, single-parent family, Jackie excelled early at all sports and learned to make his own way in life. At UCLA, Jackie became the first athlete to win varsity letters in four sports: baseball, basketball, football and track. In 1941, he was named to the All-American football team. Due to financial difficulties, he was forced to leave college, and eventually decided to enlist in the U.S. Army. After two years in the army, he had progressed to second lieutenant. Jackie's army career was cut short when he was court-martialed in relation to his objections with incidents of racial discrimination. In the end, Jackie left the Army with an honorable discharge.
In 1945, Jackie played one season in the Negro Baseball League, traveling all over the Midwest with the Kansas City Monarchs. But greater challenges and achievements were in store for him. In 1947, Brooklyn Dodgers president Branch Rickey approached Jackie about joining the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Major Leagues had not had an African-American player since 1889, when baseball became segregated. When Jackie first donned a Brooklyn Dodger uniform, he pioneered the integration of professional athletics in America. By breaking the color barrier in baseball, the nation's preeminent sport, he courageously challenged the deeply rooted custom of racial segregation in both the North and the South.
At the end of Robinson's rookie season with the Brooklyn Dodgers, he had become National League Rookie of the Year with 12 homers, a league-leading 29 steals, and a .297 average. In 1949, he was selected as the NL's Most Valuable player of the Year and also won the batting title with a .342 average that same year. As a result of his great success, Jackie was eventually inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962.
Jackie married Rachel Isum, a nursing student he met at UCLA, in 1946. As an African-American baseball player, Jackie was on display for the whole country to judge. Rachel and their three children, Jackie Jr., Sharon and David, provided Jackie with the emotional support and sense of purpose essential for bearing the pressure during the early years of baseball.
Jackie Robinson's life and legacy will be remembered as one of the most important in American history. In 1997, the world celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Jackie's breaking Major League Baseball's color barrier. In doing so, we honored the man who stood defiantly against those who would work against racial equality and acknowledged the profound influence of one man's life on the American culture. On the date of Robinson's historic debut, all Major League teams across the nation celebrated this milestone. Also that year, on United States Post Office honored Robinson by making him the subject of a commemorative postage stamp. On Tuesday, April 15 President Bill Clinton paid tribute to Jackie at Shea Stadium in New York in a special ceremony.
also check out this video of les payne on jackie robinson...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
album of this year since i missed them in 04
pick up their album "Bright Like Neon Love." this is the first album i've heard in a long time where i actually enjoy every song on the "disk." i don't think you'll be disappointed. you might be. but i don't think so.
thanks (*breath) lightfoot.
thanks (*breath) lightfoot.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
know richie stefanacci....
CLICK HERE to buy a shirt and at the same time donate to his foundation

my previous post about richie.....
6/12 - Today was incredibly peaceful - at one point Christopher (Richard's youngest brother) called everyone into the room. All of Richard's grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers & sister came in while Christopher told Richard it was ok to let go...........pretty insightful for a 7 year old. But, Richard was truly a great teacher to of all. Teacher is a consistent word that comes from friends & family to describe him. That certainly does cover it - for this 14 year journey lead by Richard has truly taught us a great deal about living life.
As everyone came together at Richard’s side he let go just a few minutes after a visit from very special visitors from St. Peters - Fr Murphy, Sister Alice & Sister Rose who came to give Richard his last rights to assure Richard's place in heaven although there was little question of that.
So after a long year battling cancer, a year filled with challenges, some sad times but many many happy times which were only made possible because of all of you - Richard took his final trip and with him all of his family and friends - this happened at exactly 16:16 (4:16pm) today June 11th 2006.
But of course our work is not done in fact it is only beginning because despite the fact that we all feel a certain emptiness we should all be happier knowing Richard is in the happiest place - no not Disney although this was a happy place for Richard and his crew but heaven. So our work continues, to take each and every day, as a gift, which now has us helped by a little guardian angel named Richard.
As part of our work we ask that you all check in at the website over the next 24 hours for information regarding a memorial mass at St. Peters. Also please do not send anything (flowers, balloons, fruit baskets, etc) rather collect your thoughts and special memories of Richard and send them to us either in the mail or email. And also please consider a donation to Go4theGoal ( which will continue to be guided by Richard’s spirit – in a way that only Richard could lead us.
Even in dying Richard is leading us as he donated his corneas which unfortunately because of Richard’s disease was all that he could give. As he would as he had always to friends, family and strangers alike given of his all.
We truly miss you Richard……but will carry you always in our hearts.

my previous post about richie.....

As everyone came together at Richard’s side he let go just a few minutes after a visit from very special visitors from St. Peters - Fr Murphy, Sister Alice & Sister Rose who came to give Richard his last rights to assure Richard's place in heaven although there was little question of that.
So after a long year battling cancer, a year filled with challenges, some sad times but many many happy times which were only made possible because of all of you - Richard took his final trip and with him all of his family and friends - this happened at exactly 16:16 (4:16pm) today June 11th 2006.
But of course our work is not done in fact it is only beginning because despite the fact that we all feel a certain emptiness we should all be happier knowing Richard is in the happiest place - no not Disney although this was a happy place for Richard and his crew but heaven. So our work continues, to take each and every day, as a gift, which now has us helped by a little guardian angel named Richard.
As part of our work we ask that you all check in at the website over the next 24 hours for information regarding a memorial mass at St. Peters. Also please do not send anything (flowers, balloons, fruit baskets, etc) rather collect your thoughts and special memories of Richard and send them to us either in the mail or email. And also please consider a donation to Go4theGoal ( which will continue to be guided by Richard’s spirit – in a way that only Richard could lead us.
Even in dying Richard is leading us as he donated his corneas which unfortunately because of Richard’s disease was all that he could give. As he would as he had always to friends, family and strangers alike given of his all.
We truly miss you Richard……but will carry you always in our hearts.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
"freshest move i've ever seen."
straight-up awesome. in SO many ways. the execution on this is super tight. the editing, the choreography, the sfx, the choreography, the film style, the choreography is just so..... tight.
higher quality vid HERE.
higher quality vid HERE.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
chocolate rain
i know this is old news by now but (*breath) somehow i'm not in the same loop as 15 other million viewers....
check it out! lyrics are sick!
THEN check this parody.... even sicker!
"Double poop on Mondays are the worst."
check it out! lyrics are sick!
THEN check this parody.... even sicker!
"Double poop on Mondays are the worst."
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
the pyrotechnic imagination

director: yael staav
line producer: jacqui "jac-QUI" wilkinson
cinematographer: ken seng
editor: ross "can't play pool" birchall
music: tom third
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
stranger than fiction

what's this? a REAL blog post? have i gone back to writing about.. stuff rather than posting youtube videos? for this second, yes. well, i guess i just did that in the previous post, but whatever.
so i finally got around to watching 'stranger than fiction' tonight/this morning (2 years later, i know) and i have to say without any hesitation, one of the best movies i've seen. not quite sure why i haven't heard anything about it from anyone or anywhere, but yeah, pretty incredible. there are so many things that make it awesome that i can't even go through them all. great soundtrack (quite a bit of Spoon), great design (watch the opening sequence, see link below), great writing....... if you haven't seen it, see it. you will watch the entire thing from beginning to the end of the credits, i guarantee it. just a great movie that has done so without the gazillion dollar budget and the over-the-top, unnecessary CG overkill.
you can check out the opening sequence done with MK12 by clicking HERE.
rent it, buy it, download it, whatever. enjoy.
.... just watched it again (haha) and it's great, but i have 2 questions.
1. can't ask this one because of you that haven't seen it........ has to do with the author and the phone...
2. why queen latifah?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
sea lion woman
so i have to admit, i wasn't a huge fan of feist after her first album. i really wasn't impressed with an album of a bunch of covers as her premier album but her latest album does have its moments. found this the other day randomly. it's always nice to see an artist/band that is as good or better live. when they're worse, it's like a hot girl smoking..... instant rejection.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
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