so part of my large plan of moving downtown was getting a bike. i still have a car (still in the shop) but it's much easier and faster to zip around downtown on a bike. faster than walking, driving, and public transit by far. not to mention it's better for your health and the environment.
there's a place downtown called the community bicycle network and basically what they do is take in old bikes and donations, refurbish them and sell them back into the community. it's pretty sick because they have a wall full of old frames and parts and you can just pick and choose. so what i did was got a frame from them for $40 and am getting all new parts for it i.e. wheels, bars, etc. the frame is in great condition so really, i'm getting a new bike for nothing. total price will about about $300. most road bike are going for at least $600 bucks and up these days.
this is 'stage one' of my bike. after i got the frame i took it, stripped the paint and sanded it down. wasn't a huge fan of the metallic blue. after i had it down to its skivvies, i took it uptown to get it powder coated a sick semi-gloss almost matte black. since at the time they didn't have any forks that fitted the frame, i just went out and bought a black Giant road fork. all that's left now is the parts and the building of it which should be done today. i guess i skipped documentation of all the steps in between so stay tuned for the finished product.
Ummm, so when did you grow a hunch back? Is your left shoulder on steroids? Was this taken in a house of mirrors? Who are you kissing? I need answers
The CBN sounds bloody cool.
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