so my mom arrived back, by airplane, from baltimore today. we sat. we talked. she showed me some of the stuff she got: a rug for the kitchen, some measuring cups, a cheese knife, some clothes, a book.......... A CHEESE KNIFE? not like a little cheese knife, AN 8 INCH CHEESE KNIFE. does anyone else see this as a problem or strange? maybe not to my friend chuck, because he flew last year with, y'know, nothing a terrorist would use. steel knitting needles, and some medical needles cause he's a diabetic (terrorism is still around right? or has bush got rid of it?). what exactly are they looking for? "they" being the updated "high security" that you have to go through everytime you fly. the same security that makes you empty your pockets and remove your shoes. the same security that uses an x-ray machine to look through ALL of your luggage. the same security that took a studded belt from a friend of mine because it was considered to be "dangerous" and could be used as a weapon. i was amazed. completely. i can't imagine how an 8 inch cheese knife got through security but it did and it makes you think. it makes me think. what are they looking for? a guitar case with a machine gun, maybe? bazookas? nuclear bombs 8 feet in diametre? 4 foot machetes?
hmph, keep looking.
Yeah, it's funny they let me on with my 8" weapon all the time. Heh.
I take offense, a LIL bit.... was it in her carry on? That's a problem... however, if she bought her martha stewart knives and packed them in her luggage, there is a difference. I hope you notice this. I'm sure you do Schtoooowweeerrrrty
dude, it cuts cheese not people.... sheesh.
hysterical... i love my government (note sarcasm)... plus, we should seriously be watching our shady neighbours to the North, shady....
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