i don't know about you but i'm getting pretty sick and tired of hearing about this canadian-hockey-team-loss fiasco. i know hockey is canada's unofficial national sport (poor lacrosse) but c'mon. give the other countries and teams some credit. canada went, they lost, big whoop. it's not the end of the world. people talk like canada was guaranteed the gold medal. like it was absolutely unfeasible for them to lose or anyone else to win. nothing in this life is guaranteed. why don't people stop and think for two seconds. isn't it quite possible that russia or any of the other teams that beat canada could have actually played better? whoops, i'm sorry. that's impossible. hmmmm.
how about all the other athletes that did well? is that not worth talking about? hockey wasn't the only sport at the olympics and hockey isn't the only sport in canada. it's over kids. not only is the mens hockey teams loss over-shoadowing all the medals won by canadians at the olympics, but they are even over-shadowing the womens team who breezed through the tournament and WON gold with a for-and-against of 46-2 not to mention a gold-repeat AND cindy klassen, who won 5 MEDALS. whoops, sorry again..... hockey is more important. so back to that....
news flash canadians: there are other hockey teams on this earth that can contend in an international tournament. there is talent in other countries, believe it or not. don't you think it's a tremendous slap in the face to think that there is not another team that can match the skills of canada? gimme a break. it's fine to think you're team is great. i'm not saying not to do that. but don't trash them if they lose and make it seem like someone just found a 10 legged shark walking in a grocery store shopping for vegetables because it was vegetarian.
i think its pretty disgusting how society treats athletes by the way. and it happens all the time, not only with this past olympics, with everything.... except curling. it's the bandwagon. and the bandwagon sucks. jump on and support your team when they are winning. abandon them and talk shit when they're losing. what kind of fans are those? i think it's disgusting and personally, i would not want fans like that. fans that hop on your back and are there with you to celebrate when you're on top of the world. jump off, leave you to die and spit on you when you lose. i think it would be amazing to be able to go to the olympics and represent yourself, not a country. yes, i know the olympics are there to bring nations together and blah blah blah but you know what i mean.
"my grandmother plays better hockey!" i'd like to see that critical 110 pound chap in the business suit on the street tell that to todd bertuzzi, face to face, in a room, with no witnesses.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
attack of the flying tomato

do you think this kid is going to be bigger than tony hawk?
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
get your geek on!

printing companies are forcing us to use quark because they are too cheap to change over and disinterested in learning the new program. well, eventually they aren't going to have a choice! suck it up, printers. deal with it! welcome to the future.
"isn't that nasty?!"
sebastian distefano
but yeah, i definitely recommend going to any seminars you can, on anything. i'm pretty sure apple has regular seminars on how to use OSX etc. so i would check that out if i were you. it can only make life of using programs easier and the easy life a apple computers even easier. even if you think you know everything, trust me, there's always something. it also helps to have an amazing presentor like i had. beware though. if you go to a specialized seminar like the one i went to, don't be startled at the amount of zealots in the audience ooooooooooooooing, awwwwwwwwwwwwwing, giggling, and applauding and kissing the feet of the presentor. you'd almost think you were in somekind of orgy! maybe that's what it really was? but to get in you have to have a laptop, glasses, calculator and pocket protector. a slight snort in your laugh and the ability speak a television sudo-language is recommended. it's a weird scene. needless to say, i got in.
in other unrelated news, george clooney is taking over toronto.
oh, and i dodged a punch from a drunk.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
review photos> delete

i think photographers have a silent obligation to put some sense and release photographs that do not have any demeaning or embarassing qualities.... unless that is it's purpose. i was perusing around looking for photos from torino/turin and came across this one.
i think this is one fo those photos you look at, kinda chuckle, then delete.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Sunday, February 05, 2006
can you hear me knocking........... on the door? with my cane?

what can i say? i watched them perform at halftime of the superbowl and was blown away. those are the most energetic old men i have ever seen. well, old man. mick jagger was moving around like they surgically attached his head onto a body of a young adult. not bad for a SIXTY THREE YEAR OLD. pretty amazing i think. man, that guy can move.
"who would have thought they would have been around this long?"
my mom
as for the other members, it was kinda weird to watch them "rock out." charlie, the drummer, looked like he was litterally suffering from alzhemeirs and the only thing he knew how to do was drum, so straight-faced and comatosed, that's what he did. i guess you could say he is the only one who has accepted his age, with his short, white haircut and his purple t-shirt; though that might have been his style before, i don't know. keith richards and brian jones looked like their faces were about to peel off and their bodies about to collapse and as they hit the ground, limbs would break and dust would rise from the impact and that would remain would be leather, jewelry and ash. they weren't as energetic as mr. jagger but they tried and still put on a show. at times it looked like they were struggling and stiff but i suppose that's just normal and mr. jagger is the anomaly. and to think, these guys do this all the time. they don't hang-out at home, play scrabble, and talk to furniture. they are a legimate rock band and i find that so amazing. LOOK AT THAT PICTURE! THEY ARE OLD MEN!!!!! amazing.
i wonder how much longer they are going to go for.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
decisions, decisions.
i sponged this from my girlfriend.
The United States has discovered a planet, Futura, in another galaxy whose environment is very similar to the Earth's. There is every indication that the planet will be able to support human life, although no human life has been detected on Futura. The US has just completed a spaceship that will be able to travel to Futura. The spaceship was built on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean and will only hold seven people. Your subgroup has been appointed by the government to select the first seven people to go to Futura. Your subgroup is in frequent contact with the chief scientist for this project. The spaceship is remarkable in that it has a new computer system that has already been programmed to automatically guide the ship to Futura without requiring a pilot.
Suddenly, a nuclear war breaks out among the world powers. It is New Year's Eve. Russia, China, The U.S. and Israel are already launching their nuclear warheads. It looks like the nuclear destruction may eliminate human civilization on this planet. The chief scientist frantically calls. The spaceship must take off in fifteen minutes to Futura or it will be destroyed. She and your subgroup believe that the seven people that go may be the only people left to start the human race again.
There are thirteen people at the spaceship. You must decide who will be selected. You have only fifteen minutes to make a decision. If a decision is not made in fifteen minutes, a nuclear warhead is apt to hit the island and destroy the spaceship. All you know about the thirteen people is the following:
1. Chief scientist, female, 47 years old
2. Hispanic peasant, female, 4 months pregnant
3. Black male, 3rd year medical student
4. White female, prostitute, 27 years old, Communist
5. While male, homosexual, Olympic athlete, 24 years old
6. White biology professor, 67 years old
7. Rabbi, 27 years old
8. White female, on general relief, 28 years old, arrested for several felonies, never been employed
9. Female home economist, 24 years old, white, has cerebral palsy
10. Korean child, male, 8 years old
11. White male, moderately retarded due to lack of oxygen at birth
12. White female elementary schoolteacher, 27 years old, has genital herpes
13. 28-year old white farmer who has a vasectomy
Who do you choose?
The United States has discovered a planet, Futura, in another galaxy whose environment is very similar to the Earth's. There is every indication that the planet will be able to support human life, although no human life has been detected on Futura. The US has just completed a spaceship that will be able to travel to Futura. The spaceship was built on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean and will only hold seven people. Your subgroup has been appointed by the government to select the first seven people to go to Futura. Your subgroup is in frequent contact with the chief scientist for this project. The spaceship is remarkable in that it has a new computer system that has already been programmed to automatically guide the ship to Futura without requiring a pilot.
Suddenly, a nuclear war breaks out among the world powers. It is New Year's Eve. Russia, China, The U.S. and Israel are already launching their nuclear warheads. It looks like the nuclear destruction may eliminate human civilization on this planet. The chief scientist frantically calls. The spaceship must take off in fifteen minutes to Futura or it will be destroyed. She and your subgroup believe that the seven people that go may be the only people left to start the human race again.
There are thirteen people at the spaceship. You must decide who will be selected. You have only fifteen minutes to make a decision. If a decision is not made in fifteen minutes, a nuclear warhead is apt to hit the island and destroy the spaceship. All you know about the thirteen people is the following:
1. Chief scientist, female, 47 years old
2. Hispanic peasant, female, 4 months pregnant
3. Black male, 3rd year medical student
4. White female, prostitute, 27 years old, Communist
5. While male, homosexual, Olympic athlete, 24 years old
6. White biology professor, 67 years old
7. Rabbi, 27 years old
8. White female, on general relief, 28 years old, arrested for several felonies, never been employed
9. Female home economist, 24 years old, white, has cerebral palsy
10. Korean child, male, 8 years old
11. White male, moderately retarded due to lack of oxygen at birth
12. White female elementary schoolteacher, 27 years old, has genital herpes
13. 28-year old white farmer who has a vasectomy
Who do you choose?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
i thought this was a voice over, JUSTINE!

"In the works since last Summer, Miller, along with Spike Jonze and Y&R Chicago, has created six commercials featuring talking animals that mock all the animals Budweiser has used in its ads over the years. The "auditions" feature animals babbling on frustrated actor-style. Perhaps they'll appear in the Super Bowl." AdRant
photo bloggerism
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
nascar. the 8 seater series.
you know what's superflous, and hilarious? Sport Edition (SE) minivans. i can sort under stand why they came about; fathers and mothers that want their form of family transportation to be a little more "hip", sleek-looking, and more like the car they had to abandon when the kids happened. but, the bottom line is that it is a minivan, meant for carrying a number of people and in a lot of cases, children. your children. your family. it's NOT a sports car regardless what level of edition it is. what's even funnier are people that actually treat these minivans like sports cars weaving in and out of traffic like they are driving in the indy 500.
today i was out, and in my rearview mirror i saw this minivan darting in and out of traffic. eventually, he was behind me, riding my bumper. I HATE TAILGATERS so i did what i usually do, slow waaaaay down. and as usual the person took the next opportunity to pass me, safe or not, and continued through traffic. at the next light, to my surprise, guess who was right beside me? see how pointless reckless driving is? anyway, i looked at him, and waved. the driver was an older man, balding with the comb-over, huge glasses, in a suit. i couldn't tell if there were kids in the backseats because of the sport edition tinting. he continued to roll down his window and started shouting at me. i didn't bother rolling down the window to get into it with him, though i really wanted to. i just smiled and gave him the thumbs up. our light turned green, he gave me the finger, and peeled out.
i'm thinking there should be a mental examination as well when someone goes to get their drivers license. it couldn't hurt.
oh, and spinners on minivans? don't get me started.
today i was out, and in my rearview mirror i saw this minivan darting in and out of traffic. eventually, he was behind me, riding my bumper. I HATE TAILGATERS so i did what i usually do, slow waaaaay down. and as usual the person took the next opportunity to pass me, safe or not, and continued through traffic. at the next light, to my surprise, guess who was right beside me? see how pointless reckless driving is? anyway, i looked at him, and waved. the driver was an older man, balding with the comb-over, huge glasses, in a suit. i couldn't tell if there were kids in the backseats because of the sport edition tinting. he continued to roll down his window and started shouting at me. i didn't bother rolling down the window to get into it with him, though i really wanted to. i just smiled and gave him the thumbs up. our light turned green, he gave me the finger, and peeled out.
i'm thinking there should be a mental examination as well when someone goes to get their drivers license. it couldn't hurt.
oh, and spinners on minivans? don't get me started.
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