what can i say? i watched them perform at halftime of the superbowl and was blown away. those are the most energetic old men i have ever seen. well, old man. mick jagger was moving around like they surgically attached his head onto a body of a young adult. not bad for a SIXTY THREE YEAR OLD. pretty amazing i think. man, that guy can move.
"who would have thought they would have been around this long?"
my mom
as for the other members, it was kinda weird to watch them "rock out." charlie, the drummer, looked like he was litterally suffering from alzhemeirs and the only thing he knew how to do was drum, so straight-faced and comatosed, that's what he did. i guess you could say he is the only one who has accepted his age, with his short, white haircut and his purple t-shirt; though that might have been his style before, i don't know. keith richards and brian jones looked like their faces were about to peel off and their bodies about to collapse and as they hit the ground, limbs would break and dust would rise from the impact and that would remain would be leather, jewelry and ash. they weren't as energetic as mr. jagger but they tried and still put on a show. at times it looked like they were struggling and stiff but i suppose that's just normal and mr. jagger is the anomaly. and to think, these guys do this all the time. they don't hang-out at home, play scrabble, and talk to furniture. they are a legimate rock band and i find that so amazing. LOOK AT THAT PICTURE! THEY ARE OLD MEN!!!!! amazing.
i wonder how much longer they are going to go for.
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