so, walking and talking out the theatre, we passed a poster and headed down the esca.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaait a sec. i went back to have another look at the poster. now, i'm in no way any level or any kind of tom cruise zealot but only after scene after scene of close-ups of mr. cruise and his face fresh in mind, i couldn't help but notice the photoshop job done to up his appeal. seriously. one, and this is directed towards whoever decided it need to be done, tom cruise is pretty well known and it's pretty well known that his schnoz is a bit... haggared. two, people aren't attending because of the nose. you're not going to attract more people giving him a pseudo nose job. three, with the amount of close-ups, clearly it's not an issue. sorry if i'm ruining that part of the movie for you zealots. yes, there are close-ups. yay. four, if it's that much of an issue, get him a real nose job.

oh, and i wonder if there is a "running clause" in his movie contracts. by coincedence i watched the firm, another cruise film and he ran a bunch in that, too.
"movie sounds great. i'm running somewhere in it, right?"
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