Monday, December 25, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
the bends
the other day i was talking to my friend mike about all the music on our computers that have zero plays. basically what happens is someone says "Hey, do you have this?" or you say "Hey, what's is this? Can I have it?" then you take it, save it, and forget about it. we both have gigs and gigs of unlistened music. i have a SO much. not that i don't now what it is or haven't heard it, well, some of it, but i just haven't taken the time to listen to it. i've been too busy listening to the new music that comes around. last night i started going through all the "0" plays and EFF!, radiohead - the bends is SO GOOD. i think it's their best album and can't believe that i've neglected it for so long. if you don't know it, check it out. you won't be disappointed. in the meantime, check out this video from a track on the album. love it! (OK Computer is really awesome, too)

fyi, i put it "there." if you know me, and you know where "there" is, pick it up. DING!

fyi, i put it "there." if you know me, and you know where "there" is, pick it up. DING!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
hahaha I LOVE IT
why are these cavemen so awesome. hahaha.
everywhere he goes, there's something to remind him
wrong side of the rock
everywhere he goes, there's something to remind him
wrong side of the rock

Thursday, November 23, 2006
so at camp stickers litter the top of every ramp. it's a very tedious job and at times painful (at 12pm in the middle of the summer). sometimes you do things to keep yourself sane or just to break the repetition. one day, ross says "Hey! There's an upside-down sticker in the cage. Bet you can't find it!" i looked long and hard and eventually found it. it wasn't even a full sticker. just the end bit of one. i remember during the summer telling other people about the upside-down sticker and few ever found it on their own. with the amount of blinding, blending stickers, no one would probably ever knowingly come across it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
another HOV lane
now NORTH of the 401 on the 404. genius.
my last post on the subject.
david miller. guess what? you suck!
my last post on the subject.
david miller. guess what? you suck!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
same-sex marriage
every time i read an article about voting on same-sex marriage, i get heated. now, everyone is entitled to an opinion and that's completely fine, i have no problem with that. the problem i have is the fact that there is voting on the subject of what homosexuals choose to do. how is it fair to vote on something that ultimately controls the lives of people that are really doing something that's relatively normal, that doesn't concern or bother anyone? 2 people, getting married. people do it everyday. i know there are people that don't agree with 2 people of the same sex being in a relationship, whether it's religious and/or just a personal opinion. but i really find it ridiculous that anyone can vote on the fate of a group of people, especially when there's no real harm being done. when you have 2 people in a homosexual relationship, are they committing a crime? when they get together, do they increase air pollution? are people killed? cars stolen? nuclear bombs created? do the lives of every canadian and or american shortened or altered somehow? didn't think so. would you vote against black people getting married? or australians? interracial couples? or people over 50? or paraplegics? didn't think so.
so, butt-out and let homosexuals live. period. people have rights. you can't take them away because they have a different sexual preference than you. i thought we were supposed to be moving forward in time, not backward.
so, butt-out and let homosexuals live. period. people have rights. you can't take them away because they have a different sexual preference than you. i thought we were supposed to be moving forward in time, not backward.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
ed bradley 1941-2006.
i watch 60 minutes all the time and i have to credit part of that to ed bradley. first i noticed that he looked almost identical to my dad. Then the more I watched, the more interested i became with the show. what a sad day.
read his biography here.
read his biography here.

Monday, November 06, 2006
i have told so many people about this dude and i've always got the same response "mmm hmmmm! likely." "whatever!" "yeah, ok!" FINALLY i have some video evidence. unbelievable. hilarious, and unbelievable.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
in case you haven't heard.
saddam hussein sentenced to death
"..as early as spring 2007."
why do they wait that long? i have no idea. what are they making? a movie? "early" would be tomorrow.
saddam hussein sentenced to death
"..as early as spring 2007."
why do they wait that long? i have no idea. what are they making? a movie? "early" would be tomorrow.

Thursday, November 02, 2006
without limits
just thought i would pass on a movie recommendation. i recently saw this movie for the first time and damn, it's good. it's about steve prefontaine, a ballsy middle distance runner from the late 60's and 70's. if you like sports movies about determination and all that, this is a great one. careful though, you might wanna go for a run after; and grow a mustache.
"Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it."
"The only good race pace is suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die"
steve prefontaine
"Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it."
"The only good race pace is suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die"
steve prefontaine

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
haha! i don't know.
i just saw this line-up on the jay leno show and i had to post it. this just might be the craziest/loudest/scariest show in the history of talk shows. good luck, jay!
SHOW TITLE: The Tonight Show With Jay Leno
SYNOPSIS: Actress Roseanne Barr; TV personality Sharon Osbourne; Marilyn Manson performs.
SHOW TITLE: The Tonight Show With Jay Leno
SYNOPSIS: Actress Roseanne Barr; TV personality Sharon Osbourne; Marilyn Manson performs.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
ha, love it.
sorry, i don't mean to be an "ad-whore" or a youtube whore either but yeah, i love these.
what have been up to lately? not a whole lot. back in toronto and looking to land a job and drop this "bum" status. other than that, nothing to report. oh! this is random but i definitely love the lack of smoke in bars these days. so good! best law ever; unless you're a smoker.
what have been up to lately? not a whole lot. back in toronto and looking to land a job and drop this "bum" status. other than that, nothing to report. oh! this is random but i definitely love the lack of smoke in bars these days. so good! best law ever; unless you're a smoker.
Friday, October 13, 2006
the speaking tongues!!!!!!!!!! went to their first live performance ever and i can honestly say, unbiased, it was pretty sick. i think one of the hardest things to achieve with a band of only 2 people is "fullness" and mr. ross/mr. doyle did it and did it good! great show!!! i guess TECHNICALLY, i am the brainchild of this operation. if i never would have quit my job and told aaron to get in there then the speaking tongues would never have come together. *pat, *pat, *pat! i'm going to be RICH!
check them out here: http://www.myspace.com/thespeakingtongues
click to download my long gone baby
also, a shout out to chris, who is Mantler. all i can say is, and i know it's cliche, don't judge a book by it's cover. especially when that book cover is an older, balding white guy, with a completely white tuxedo, white pointed boots, a black bandana around his neck, that performs with a keyboard and an electronic drum machine.
check me out. imma groupie!

check them out here: http://www.myspace.com/thespeakingtongues
click to download my long gone baby
also, a shout out to chris, who is Mantler. all i can say is, and i know it's cliche, don't judge a book by it's cover. especially when that book cover is an older, balding white guy, with a completely white tuxedo, white pointed boots, a black bandana around his neck, that performs with a keyboard and an electronic drum machine.
check me out. imma groupie!

(product) red
a cool campaign for a great cause.
if you're in the gap, motorola, apple, or emporio armani look for red products.
if you're in the gap, motorola, apple, or emporio armani look for red products.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

go HERE and vote for the playstation trick of the year. in all honestly, and my opinion, keith should win hands down. it might not look as fancy-schmancy as a "double flair" but all the other tricks will be done by someone else before someone attempts what keith did. a lot of you may not be into "action sports" and all that jazz but vote for keith anyway. keith and his fam deserve it.
oh, and i think voting is unlimited, so get to it!
check out another video of keith HERE.
...........vote keith.
nike, the goddess of victory

In Greek mythology, Nike (Greek Νίκη, pronounced /'nike/ "NEE-keh", meaning "Victory") , was a goddess who personified triumph and victory. She was a daughter of Pallas (Warrior) and Styx (Hatred), and the sister of Cratos (Strength), Bia (Force), and Zelus (Rivalry). Nike and her siblings were all attendants of Zeus. According to myth, Styx brought them to Zeus when the god was assembling allies for the coming Titan War. Nike assumed the role of the god's personal charioteer, a role often portrayed in classical art. Her Roman counterpart is Victoria.
Nike was regarded as the bestower of victory, both in war and in contest. As a war goddess she was often represented standing alongside Zeus, Athena and Ares. As a goddess of contests, she was usually portrayed decking the winner of a musical or athletic contest with a victor's wreath or sash.
looks like a "swoosh" to me.
..........vote keith.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
apparently packaging IS everything

Check out the video here and here.
Sunday, September 10, 2006

all cause someone wanted some friends.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
obesity pandemic a global worry
Obesity pandemic a global worry
More than 1 billion adults overweight, at risk for disease
Will overwhelm all medical systems in world, scientist says
Sep. 4, 2006. 07:58 AM
SYDNEY, Australia—An obesity pandemic threatens to overwhelm health systems around the globe with illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, experts at an international conference warned yesterday.
"This insidious, creeping pandemic of obesity is now engulfing the entire world," Paul Zimmet, chairman of the meeting of more than 2,500 experts and health officials, said in a speech opening the week-long International Congress on Obesity.
"It's as big a threat as global warming and bird flu," he said.
The World Health Organization says more than one billion adults are overweight and 300 million of them are obese, putting them at much higher risk of diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke and some forms of cancer.
Zimmet, a diabetes expert at Australia's Monash University, said there are now more overweight people in the world than the undernourished, who number about 600 million. In Canada, about 5.5 million people are considered obese, while the Canadian Association of Food Banks estimates that 2.4 million Canadians suffer from hunger.
People in wealthy countries lead in overeating and not doing enough physical activity, but those in the poorer countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America are quickly learning bad habits, the experts said.
Thailand's Public Health Ministry, for instance, announced yesterday that nearly one in three Thais over age 35 is at risk of obesity-related diseases.
"We are not dealing with a scientific or medical problem," said Dr. Philip James, the British chairman of the International Obesity Task Force.
`It's as big a threat
as global warming
and bird flu'
Paul Zimmet, chair of International Congress on Obesity
"We're dealing with an enormous economic problem that ... is going to overwhelm every medical system in the world."
The task force is part of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, a professional group of scientists and health workers in some 50 countries that deal with the issue.
James said the cost of treating obesity-related health problems cannot be measured on a global scale, but the group estimated it at billions of dollars a year in countries like Australia, Britain and the United States.
Among the most worrying problems are skyrocketing rates of obesity among children, which make them much more prone to chronic diseases as they grow older and could shave years off their lives, experts said.
The children in this generation may be the first in history to die before their parents because of health problems related to weight, Kate Steinbeck, an expert in children's health at Sydney's Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, said in a statement.
Experts at the conference said governments should impose bans on junk food advertising aimed directly at children, although they acknowledged such restrictions were unlikely to come about soon because the food industry would lobby hard against them.
"There is going to be a political bun fight over this for some time, but of course we shouldn't advertise junk food to children that makes them fat," said Dr. Boyd Swinburn, a member of the International Obesity Task Force.
Dr. Claude Bouchard, president of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, an umbrella group for medical organizations dealing with weight-related and children's health issues, said the group supported advertising bans as official policy. But the policy position is unlikely to have any immediate effect on influencing governments to introduce such bans, the Louisiana researcher said.
More than 1 billion adults overweight, at risk for disease
Will overwhelm all medical systems in world, scientist says
Sep. 4, 2006. 07:58 AM
SYDNEY, Australia—An obesity pandemic threatens to overwhelm health systems around the globe with illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, experts at an international conference warned yesterday.
"This insidious, creeping pandemic of obesity is now engulfing the entire world," Paul Zimmet, chairman of the meeting of more than 2,500 experts and health officials, said in a speech opening the week-long International Congress on Obesity.
"It's as big a threat as global warming and bird flu," he said.
The World Health Organization says more than one billion adults are overweight and 300 million of them are obese, putting them at much higher risk of diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke and some forms of cancer.
Zimmet, a diabetes expert at Australia's Monash University, said there are now more overweight people in the world than the undernourished, who number about 600 million. In Canada, about 5.5 million people are considered obese, while the Canadian Association of Food Banks estimates that 2.4 million Canadians suffer from hunger.
People in wealthy countries lead in overeating and not doing enough physical activity, but those in the poorer countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America are quickly learning bad habits, the experts said.
Thailand's Public Health Ministry, for instance, announced yesterday that nearly one in three Thais over age 35 is at risk of obesity-related diseases.
"We are not dealing with a scientific or medical problem," said Dr. Philip James, the British chairman of the International Obesity Task Force.
`It's as big a threat
as global warming
and bird flu'
Paul Zimmet, chair of International Congress on Obesity
"We're dealing with an enormous economic problem that ... is going to overwhelm every medical system in the world."
The task force is part of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, a professional group of scientists and health workers in some 50 countries that deal with the issue.
James said the cost of treating obesity-related health problems cannot be measured on a global scale, but the group estimated it at billions of dollars a year in countries like Australia, Britain and the United States.
Among the most worrying problems are skyrocketing rates of obesity among children, which make them much more prone to chronic diseases as they grow older and could shave years off their lives, experts said.
The children in this generation may be the first in history to die before their parents because of health problems related to weight, Kate Steinbeck, an expert in children's health at Sydney's Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, said in a statement.
Experts at the conference said governments should impose bans on junk food advertising aimed directly at children, although they acknowledged such restrictions were unlikely to come about soon because the food industry would lobby hard against them.
"There is going to be a political bun fight over this for some time, but of course we shouldn't advertise junk food to children that makes them fat," said Dr. Boyd Swinburn, a member of the International Obesity Task Force.
Dr. Claude Bouchard, president of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, an umbrella group for medical organizations dealing with weight-related and children's health issues, said the group supported advertising bans as official policy. But the policy position is unlikely to have any immediate effect on influencing governments to introduce such bans, the Louisiana researcher said.
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Battery Exchange Program iBook G4 and PowerBook G4
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
life, updated

also, check out the new dears album 'gang of losers'. how good? so good!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
death from above 1979, no longer recording. eff!

• from their website and blog
i know its been forever since i wrote anything on here. im sure by now most of you assume the band isnt happening anymore since there are no shows, no work on a new album, etc. well. i wanted to let you know that your assumptions are correct. we decided to stop doing the band... actually we decided that almost a year ago. we finished off our scheduled tour dates because there were good people working for us who relied on us to make a living and buy christmas presents and pay rent etc. we couldnt just cancel everything and leave them out to dry... plus i think we wanted to see if we would reconsider after being out on the road. our label was really hoping that we would change our minds, so they asked us to keep quiet about the decision for at first. well, its been quite awhile now and we are still very sure the band wont happen again, so i guess its time to say something.
we started as a punk band with pop aspirations and we met every goal we set for ourselves. a few weeks ago, the album finally went gold in canada and that was the final mark i really wanted to reach.. it was my goal to see how big we could become without ever compromising or changing what we did right from the start... and now i know. we did way more than i ever expected and i like to think the fans (you?) enjoyed it as much as we did.... watching us sneak our way onto network tv, big festivals and sports arenas... playing music that most people assumed only belonged in basements and dirty rock clubs. we played our first show in a living room on long island for about 12 people and played our last in the calgary saddledome for 12,000. ha! what more could i have ever asked for? ive been in lots of punk bands over the last 15 years and i played every basement, squat, hole and alley from here to eastern europe. dfa79 was the first time i ever really played on a stage, yet i really didnt change what i was doing from what id been doing in the past... hell i was even using the same amplifiers!
i never would have imagined that the wall of noise i love so much could have come this far. to see my silly elephant trunk idea become so popular... im sure its the greatest piece of graphic design ill ever do.
over the last 3 years of touring, sebastien and i had grown apart to such an extent that the only real time we spoke was just before we would play and during interviews. we both changed so much that the people we were by the end of it, probably wouldnt have been friends if they were to meet for the first time again. its a totally normal function of growing up. like how your high school bf/gf that meant so much to you would probably be the last person you would date at 30, ya know? thats where we got to. its not sad.
it would be more sad if we stopped changing and growing and kept playing the same songs for 40 years like the rolling stones. for me that would be a nightmare.
thank you so much for your support from beginning to end. thanks ache records for giving us that first 325 dollars and thanks last gang for taking us the rest of the way. thanks to everyone who came out to our shows, wrote letters just to say hi, baked cakes and made your own t-shirts. i kept everything you gave me. thanks so much to the kids who came really early to see us when were were opening for bigger bands... that meant so much to me.
i hope i have been a positive example and not a bad influence and i really want you to know that when you stop me on the street and i dont know what to say, its not because i dont appreciate you, its just not something ill ever really get used to.
thanks again.
j f k
update, yes?
so, where to start....
Meph and Stike.
steph and mike got married july 22nd and had a pretty amazing wedding.... apart from the powder frosted blue tuxedos. the reception was nice and apparently "80 percent chance of thunderstorms; prepare to seek shelter" warnings aren't really that accurate. the wind picked up, it started to spit, but then it just kinda went away. could you ask for a better sign about a marriage? haha. the reception was followed by a pretty fun dinner. i was kinda bumming on that whole "head table" deal cause the whole time i wanted to sit with my cute girlfriend, but i guess it's tradition or whatever. the dinner was followed by a hilarious couple hours of karaoke. who has karaoke at a wedding? the falcones do and i guarantee anyone at that wedding that wasn't married is considering having it at their wedding. those same people are probably trying to figure out how they can contract dave malinsky and kris marsh to come out and perform "Purple Rain" hahaha!
elephants are dinosaurs and .139 is NOT good.
misty got us tickets to the phillies game for my birthday so the day after the wedding we headed to philadelphia. we had to check-out at like noon so we had a bunch of time to kill and what better way to kill time then to check out a zoo. the zoo is so amazing. it's just so gnarly to see animals that you don't see everyday. and it's also gnarly to think how effed you'd get if you ever met one of these things in the wild. could you even fathom what would and could happen if you ever encountered, say, a cheetah? or a tiger? or a lion? seeing these animals on tv is one thing. seeing this animals in person is another! elephants = amazing. have you ever looked at one of those things? they seriously amaze me. if you think about it, they are really modern day dinosaurs. a cheetah is a form of cat. so is a tiger. a chimpanzee is a monkey. a condor is a bird. what the hell is an elephant? anyway, those things are amazing. and aardvarks aren't serious. they're puppets!
after the zoo we headed to the ball game. i definitely LOVE baseball and it has been so long since i've been to a game which made it that much better. my girlfriend did good! the game was pretty good. great plays, nutty fans in superhero costumes, girls cheating on their boyfriends and hiding when on the big screen, managers putting in pinch hitters with averages like .139 in the 9th inning down by 2 none out and 2 on, shit talking critics...... great game.
so that's about it. i'm still at woodward in pa but will be heading to nyc in a few weeks and then back to toronto to collect more business cards and live off scraps. things are settling down a bit so expect regular updates again.
ps ben hittle is good!

Meph and Stike.
steph and mike got married july 22nd and had a pretty amazing wedding.... apart from the powder frosted blue tuxedos. the reception was nice and apparently "80 percent chance of thunderstorms; prepare to seek shelter" warnings aren't really that accurate. the wind picked up, it started to spit, but then it just kinda went away. could you ask for a better sign about a marriage? haha. the reception was followed by a pretty fun dinner. i was kinda bumming on that whole "head table" deal cause the whole time i wanted to sit with my cute girlfriend, but i guess it's tradition or whatever. the dinner was followed by a hilarious couple hours of karaoke. who has karaoke at a wedding? the falcones do and i guarantee anyone at that wedding that wasn't married is considering having it at their wedding. those same people are probably trying to figure out how they can contract dave malinsky and kris marsh to come out and perform "Purple Rain" hahaha!
elephants are dinosaurs and .139 is NOT good.
misty got us tickets to the phillies game for my birthday so the day after the wedding we headed to philadelphia. we had to check-out at like noon so we had a bunch of time to kill and what better way to kill time then to check out a zoo. the zoo is so amazing. it's just so gnarly to see animals that you don't see everyday. and it's also gnarly to think how effed you'd get if you ever met one of these things in the wild. could you even fathom what would and could happen if you ever encountered, say, a cheetah? or a tiger? or a lion? seeing these animals on tv is one thing. seeing this animals in person is another! elephants = amazing. have you ever looked at one of those things? they seriously amaze me. if you think about it, they are really modern day dinosaurs. a cheetah is a form of cat. so is a tiger. a chimpanzee is a monkey. a condor is a bird. what the hell is an elephant? anyway, those things are amazing. and aardvarks aren't serious. they're puppets!
after the zoo we headed to the ball game. i definitely LOVE baseball and it has been so long since i've been to a game which made it that much better. my girlfriend did good! the game was pretty good. great plays, nutty fans in superhero costumes, girls cheating on their boyfriends and hiding when on the big screen, managers putting in pinch hitters with averages like .139 in the 9th inning down by 2 none out and 2 on, shit talking critics...... great game.
so that's about it. i'm still at woodward in pa but will be heading to nyc in a few weeks and then back to toronto to collect more business cards and live off scraps. things are settling down a bit so expect regular updates again.
ps ben hittle is good!

Thursday, August 03, 2006
i have so much to talk about from the last few weeks but for now i'll just pass along this video.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
itchy and scratchy
congratulations mike falcone (or fal-cooooon) and steph.......... falcone.
more to come....
more to come....
Sunday, July 16, 2006
you know what's lame?

lucky for me, i have just acquired a special serum that turns figurines into ruthless killers and protectors of desk utensils. suckers!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
if your dog ever gets into a battle with a skunk and comes out on the losers end, here's a home-made remedy.
1 QT peroxide
1/4 cup of baking soda
1 TBSP of Dawn dish detergent
wash 'em down!!!!!
1 QT peroxide
1/4 cup of baking soda
1 TBSP of Dawn dish detergent
wash 'em down!!!!!
Monday, July 03, 2006
boston who? new york what?

Jul. 2, 2006. 08:27 PM
The Toronto Blue Jays, seeking to break up the New York Yankees' and Boston Red Sox's years of dominance in the American League East, are sending more players than their division rivals to next week's All-Star Game.
Ace Roy Halladay, closer B.J. Ryan, third baseman Troy Glaus plus outfielders Vernon Wells and Alex Rios, who will miss the game because of injury, were all voted by their peers onto the AL squad announced Sunday by Major League Baseball, the second highest total in club history. Seven Blue Jays were in the 1993 game......
rest is here.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
la update

hey kids. sorry i haven't been in touch for awhile. i'm spending my summer at woodward camp in pennsylvania for the 8th (or 9th - i don't remember) straight summer. it's definitely not what i had planned to be doing but it's a welcome change from the depths of my thought-box aka my basement. tropical rain storms, crazy americans, manure-scented air, what could be better?
so i just realized something; americans, on the whole, are huge. i think there's a statistic that 85 percent of them or something of them are over-weight. and having a conversation and listening to their reasoning is incredible. the argument was that "we're getting our money's worth! if i can get more for less, than why wouldn't I?" true. i completely agree but at the same time, it's ridiculous. there's another side that people are missing. just because you are getting more, doesn't mean you need to consume the same amount per sitting. put it in a box. save it for later. anything! there's nothing saying you can't save the excess of your meal. there's no one watching and making sure you finish or meal in-house. this is what happens: you feel like a combo that equals a burger, fries, and drink. you go to say, mcdonalds, and they have a special - super size everything for the amount of the normal size. "i can get more for the same money!" so you get the super-size option but the problem lies in the comsumption. you're consuming MORE per sitting. i remember going to arbys i think it was with mike bennett and because he could get more sandwiches for slightly more money, he did. not cause he was that hungry but because he could get more out of his money. so being hungry for an arbys sandwich and drink turned into eating 5 times what he originally wanted. anyway, that's my theory. makes sense in my head. think about it.
oh, and yeah, mike bennett is over-weight. he's got a portable table he takes aorund with him. it's called his belly.
what else am i up to? not much. i should be making a few trips out to nyc to pimp my portfolio around but other than that, not much. i'll be sure to get back on the ball and enrich your lives with the happenings over here.
oh, and since there's a storm happening right now, lightening is gnarly! bolts of electricity, stirking down to earth from the sky. sounds like a futuristic weapon, huh?
ps - chris o'connor is awesome.
pss - check out tv on the radios new album. soo good. it's uploading on my iDisk now.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
draw a pig and reveal your personality. really

very interesing.
CLICK HERE and draw a pig.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
mark of the beast
Friday, June 02, 2006
my style is impetuous

can't get enough of this kid. a fun read on rainy days. More Here.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
super mario brothers weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

where's my nintendo????????? it's gotta be around here somewhere! and you know what game's in it that has probably been permanently fused inside cause it's never been removed?
if you loved it as a kid and are prone to buying on impulse, you might not wanna click this.
i warned you.
ps - two best games ever - 1. super mario brothers (well, the entire original series) 2. mario kart
pss - yes, jesse, you're right. tony hawk 1 and 2. no one can deny how amazed they were at the first person they saw play that was absolutely incredible. i thought i was good and then i played robert lievanos. i spent my whole time watching his side of the screen!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
cruise, but not really
i went to see mission impossible 3 today. it was good. i enjoyed it. i thought this one paid way more attention to the finer details, which was nice. don't waste that 400 million or whatever it was the used to make the movie. i'm not going to say a whole lot about it, because i don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it yet BUT i did like how the villain died (shutup! of course the villain dies. BIG SURPRISE!). also, if my friend kacey was ever a villain, he would be that one.
so, walking and talking out the theatre, we passed a poster and headed down the esca.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaait a sec. i went back to have another look at the poster. now, i'm in no way any level or any kind of tom cruise zealot but only after scene after scene of close-ups of mr. cruise and his face fresh in mind, i couldn't help but notice the photoshop job done to up his appeal. seriously. one, and this is directed towards whoever decided it need to be done, tom cruise is pretty well known and it's pretty well known that his schnoz is a bit... haggared. two, people aren't attending because of the nose. you're not going to attract more people giving him a pseudo nose job. three, with the amount of close-ups, clearly it's not an issue. sorry if i'm ruining that part of the movie for you zealots. yes, there are close-ups. yay. four, if it's that much of an issue, get him a real nose job.

oh, and i wonder if there is a "running clause" in his movie contracts. by coincedence i watched the firm, another cruise film and he ran a bunch in that, too.
"movie sounds great. i'm running somewhere in it, right?"
so, walking and talking out the theatre, we passed a poster and headed down the esca.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaait a sec. i went back to have another look at the poster. now, i'm in no way any level or any kind of tom cruise zealot but only after scene after scene of close-ups of mr. cruise and his face fresh in mind, i couldn't help but notice the photoshop job done to up his appeal. seriously. one, and this is directed towards whoever decided it need to be done, tom cruise is pretty well known and it's pretty well known that his schnoz is a bit... haggared. two, people aren't attending because of the nose. you're not going to attract more people giving him a pseudo nose job. three, with the amount of close-ups, clearly it's not an issue. sorry if i'm ruining that part of the movie for you zealots. yes, there are close-ups. yay. four, if it's that much of an issue, get him a real nose job.

oh, and i wonder if there is a "running clause" in his movie contracts. by coincedence i watched the firm, another cruise film and he ran a bunch in that, too.
"movie sounds great. i'm running somewhere in it, right?"
more on the apple store, fifth avenue
neat. but i'm not trying to wait 5 hours just to see the store. it's not that crucial to my existance. it's not temporary. it's not going to self destruct after 1000 visitors; as much as bill gates would love it. it's going to be there tomorrow. as far as i know, they are going to be carrying the same stuff as all the other apple stores, just at a new, spiffy, "revolutionary" location. if i lived in new york, i'm not going to lie, i'd prolly check it out on the first day - at 2AM. remember the great thing about it is that it's open 24 hrs. nice to see people were really taking advantage of it. haha
check out the apple store, fifth avenue time lapse from the first day.
check out the apple store, fifth avenue time lapse from the first day.

Sunday, May 21, 2006
THE ultimate reporter

his career has been incredible. who hasn't he interviewed? talk about an accomplished career!!!!!!!!!
i can't wait for an official biography.
Mike Wallace
60 Minutes and CBS News Correspondent Mike Wallace (CBS)
(CBS) Mike Wallace has been a 60 Minutes correspondent since its premiere on Sept. 24, 1968. The 2005-06 season marks his 38th on the broadcast.
Among his journalistic triumphs of the past few years was his exclusive interview of John Nash, the mentally ill genius on whom the controversial Academy Award winning film “A Beautiful Mind” was based.
He arranged for Louis Farrakhan and the eldest daughter of Malcolm X, who has accused Farrakhan of indirect complicity in her father's assassination, to be interviewed together for 60 Minutes. The meeting, broadcast in May 2000, resulted in front-page news when Farrakhan admitted that his words might have egged on the assassins.
In 1998, Wallace had one of the biggest scoops of the year: He was the only reporter to accompany U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to Iraq on his mission to prevent war between Saddam Hussein and the Allies. His exclusive interview with Annan was broadcast on 60 Minutes on Feb. 22, 1998. His controversial report on Dr. Jack Kevorkian in November of that year, in which 60 Minutes broadcast Kevorkian's own videotape showing him injecting lethal drugs into a terminally ill man, spurred debate and media coverage for weeks.
Wallace's no-holds-barred interviewing technique and enterprising reportage are well known, and his numerous and timely interviews read like a who's who of newsmakers: George Bush, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Deng Xiaoping, Manuel Noriega, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Menachem Begin, Anwar el-Sadat, Yasir Arafat, the Shah of Iran, King Hussein, Hafez Assad, Muammar Qaddafi, Kurt Waldheim, H. R. Haldeman, Vladimir Horowitz, Itzhak Perlman, Johnny Carson, Mikhail Baryshnikov and Leonard Bernstein, among many others.
Wallace's experience as a newsman dates back to the '40s, when he was a radio newswriter and broadcaster for the Chicago Sun. After serving as a naval communications officer during World War II, he became a news reporter for radio station WMAQ Chicago. He first joined CBS in 1951, left the Network in 1955 and returned in 1963, when he was named a CBS News correspondent.
His numerous television credits include "Night Beat" (1956-57) and "The Mike Wallace Interview" (1957-60). From 1959 to 1961, he anchored the Peabody Award-winning public affairs series "Biography," which focused on a wide range of historical figures including Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Helen Keller, Mark Twain, Babe Ruth and Clarence Darrow. His book, "Mike Wallace Asks," a compilation of interviews from "Night Beat" and "The Mike Wallace Interview," was published in 1958. His memoir, "Close Encounter," co-authored with Gary Paul Gates, was published in 1984.
Wallace reported from Vietnam in 1962 and, after returning to CBS, covered the war several times between 1967 and 1971. In September 1990, CBS News presented a one-hour special, "Mike Wallace Then and Now," which recalled Wallace's 40 years of reporting and interviewing.
In June 1992, he anchored the CBS News/Washington Post-Newsweek co-production "Watergate: The Secret Story," which marked the 20th anniversary of the break-in at the Watergate complex. In December 1993, he anchored "CBS Reports: 1968," which chronicled that watershed year in U.S. history.
His newsmaking interview of the highest-ranking tobacco executive ever to turn whistle-blower, Dr. Jeffrey Wigand, who revealed critical tobacco industry secrets for the first time on television, was broadcast on 60 Minutes and the CBS Evening News in February 1996.
In September 2003, he received a Lifetime Achievement Emmy, marking his 20th Emmy. In May 2002, he won the Fred Friendly First Amendment Award given by Quinnipiac College for his journalistic contributions to free speech. Wallace won the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award grand prize and television first prize in 1996 for the "CBS Reports" broadcast "In the Killing Fields of America" (January 1995), a three-hour report he co-anchored on violence in America.
His other professional honors include 19 Emmy Awards, three Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Awards, three George Foster Peabody Awards, a Robert E. Sherwood Award, a Distinguished Achievement Award from the University of Southern California School of Journalism and a Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award in the international broadcast category.
Wallace was elected a fellow of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi (November 1975), and was awarded an honorary doctorate in humane letters from the University of Massachusetts (1978).
In May 1987, he received an honorary doctorate of laws from the University of Michigan, and in 1989, an honorary doctorate of laws from the University of Pennsylvania. He was honored in September 1989 by Chicago's Museum of Broadcast Communications for his lifetime contribution to radio and television.
In June 1991, he was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame, and in September 1991, he was honored by the Radio/Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) with the Paul White Award. In 1993, he was named Broadcaster of the Year by the International Radio and Television Society.
Wallace graduated from the University of Michigan in 1939 with a B.A. degree. He has a son, Chris, and a daughter, Pauline, and lives in New York with his wife, Mary Yates.
appreciate the small things

why this "technology" wasn't implemented earlier, i have no idea. but i am glad that it's in production now. having to indulge in the less-than-sensational taste of adhesive wasn't something i enjoyed, or anyone enjoyed for that matter. there was never a warning on envelops or anything about "over-use" but it couldn't have been good for you. i bet secretaries and bank tellers are psyched!
Friday, May 19, 2006
definition of prodigy
i'm speechless. what can i say? kids got some rhythm. just watch.
thanks chuck!
thanks chuck!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
apple what!

NEW YORK—May 18, 2006—Apple® will open its newest and most extraordinary retail store yet on New York’s Fifth Avenue on Friday, May 19 at 6:00 p.m. EDT. The Apple Store® Fifth Avenue is Apple’s most architecturally innovative store, featuring a distinctive 32-foot glass cube that creates a stunning new destination on Fifth Avenue, one of the world’s most popular shopping areas. The Apple Store Fifth Avenue will be open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to offer an unprecedented level of service.......
More here.
Monday, May 15, 2006
shit dip

so this older biker riding happily down the street was viciously cut off by this speeding hummer, blindly in a hurry to get somewhere. lets just say after the biker saw his life flash before his eyes, he was pissed and conveniently they arrived at the next stop light together.
"HEY!" the biker yells slapping the window.
as the person in the hummer rolls down the window, the biker continues to go off screaming at her about their road etiquette.
after a few seconds of arguing,
and he rode away.
i was on the opposite side of the biker, parallel to the hummer so as the biker rode away, i could see the woman, clearly stunned. i was crying!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't think she appreciated it. whatever, it was her fault.
shit dip. if you're eating shit, you obviously have an attraction to things that taste awful. now, what could you possibly be dipping shit in to make it taste worse? (not that i've tasted it but i'm guessing it doesn't like an oh henry bar) i dunno but i thought that was pretty creative! haha
Thursday, May 11, 2006
one red paper clip

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
just blogging
not much to tell.
looks like i'm going to being having more adventures at woodward camp AGAIN. should produce some interesting posts on here so be prepared. i kinda wish the canadian dollar would die for a bit so i could really cash on american money.
on the david blaine thing, basically he blew it. what was the point in the handcuffs, really? all that hustle and bustle used up a ton of oxygen through his muscles. if he had done his research, he probably would have known that, and set the record. maybe not because if he had done some more research, he would have known a guiness representative would have had to be there for it to count, which there wasn't. oh well. he got his 7 minutes of fame.
sorry, ive been corrected. "it's the american dollar that has gone to shit because of bush."
looks like i'm going to being having more adventures at woodward camp AGAIN. should produce some interesting posts on here so be prepared. i kinda wish the canadian dollar would die for a bit so i could really cash on american money.
on the david blaine thing, basically he blew it. what was the point in the handcuffs, really? all that hustle and bustle used up a ton of oxygen through his muscles. if he had done his research, he probably would have known that, and set the record. maybe not because if he had done some more research, he would have known a guiness representative would have had to be there for it to count, which there wasn't. oh well. he got his 7 minutes of fame.
sorry, ive been corrected. "it's the american dollar that has gone to shit because of bush."
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
mario brothers LIVE

Talent show at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts
Mario Live
thanks wingnut!!!!
Monday, May 01, 2006
sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose.........anyone have a guillotine
so, yesterday was BEAUTIFUL!!!! no clouds, super warm out, one of those days that you do not want to spend indoors. luckily there's a decent cement park not too far from me so i took the opportunity to go out and enjoy the weather. got there, it was crowded as i expecting with a plethora or 6 year olds skating in circles with their parents screaming at them to go faster, skateboarders posing everywhere, looking "cool" but doing nothing more than getting in others way, and bmxers tearing around the park, cutting everyone and anything off. but i had my shuffle so i just skated where i could, enjoying being outside and skating.
got home....
WAIT! completely off of what i was going to talk about but i can't further without telling you what i witnessed yesterday. most of you that don't rollerblade or skateboard or anything like that probably won't get it but those of you who do, will. so while i was there, there was a skater hanging out, not really skating. had some groupie girls with puffed addidas and loads of eye shadow hanging around him. anyway, he finally gets up and starts skating around. mind you, this guy is trying to look "hard." he's got his baggy pants, ripped korn t-shirt, grizzly beard, long, flowing brown hair, thick wallet chain, little bit heavy set etc. know the type? so, this dude finally gets up and tears through the park COMPLETELY out of control. i could tell he was trying to make it look like he knew what he was doing but you can't really hide ability. so he tears at this quarter pipe, stumbling the whole way, front flips out of the pipe, lands on his heels and washes out into a biker sitting on a bench. some people we're cheering, clearly because they wanted to see him try it again and fail. i think most were just kinda in awe and thinking "wow. this guy is going to get ruined." as one guy said. so he tries it again, lands it, sort-of, and his girlfriends cheer and run out to congratulate him. great! he's done. oh, no he's not. so for the next little bit, he just tore around the park, fumbling, stumbling and falling all over the place. no tricks, just... that. at this point i just sat, enjoyed the sunshine and watched. i didn't want to run into him and get impaled by his studded bracelet. so, there's this one part in the park that has this guard railing. it's probably about 4 feet tall or so. it's not meant for grinding, it's high! it's just there to block people from the bank going in the opposite direction. i'm sitting relatively close to it. i see this guy skate really hard at this rail, slow down abruptly and grab the rail with his hands as if he was just testing it out first. the guy i was sitting with, aaron, said "oh, he's probably going to try a hand-stand flip over it or something dumb like that." we both laughed because we thought it was true. we looked over at him because he's groupie girlfriend were egging him on. "you can do it! we have faith in you!!!!!!!" next thing you know, this guy is skating at this rail full speed. when i say full speed, i mean FULL SPEED. sketchy, but fast. he approaches it, straight jumps it attempting to clear it from the ground (no handstand), smashes both knees into the top of the rail, wips around and hits his face on the edge of the ground under the rail and disappears down onto the bank. REAL TV candidate for sure, but nobody was filming. so we go over, he's moaning, his girlfriends are freaking out. the entire park is over to see what happened. anyway, to cut this story off, ambulance came, 2 bruised knees, he walked to his brothers car and they left. what can i say. the guy got lucky. there's no reason both legs shouldn't have been folded at the knees the opposite way like an ostrich. what have we learned from all of this: 1. know your limits 2. groupie girls are the devil 3. wallets with big chains belong in the 90's
so i got home and my eyes started itching. i started sneezing all over the place (i actually pulled a muscle in my back with one sneeze). my nose was a faucet. what the hell happened to my amazing day? allergies happened. now as i sit with 4 empty boxes of kleenex, i wonder to myself at what point did i become allergic to the outdoors? i think it's pretty safe to say i spent much more of my life outdoors than indoors. if anything i would think i would be immune to anything the outdoors could dish out. i've eaten my share of dirt and grass, more of course when i was little haha. i think most of us would be. i just don't understand why allergies to the outdoors exist in so many people. it sounds ridiculous to me. i guess i just figure the more time you spend doing something, the more you "adapt" to its environment. i suppose adaptation takes hundreds, probably thousands of years but still. we've been on this planet for a long, long time and so has grass and dandelions. we've had more than enough time to get along. you could always look at the big picture. i'd rather be allerigic to grass and such than air or water. and for those of you that are thinking "Ptsh! No ones allergic to air or water!" you'd be wrong!
Allergic to Water
Allergic to Water 2
what a great way to ruin a day. allergies!!!!
got home....
WAIT! completely off of what i was going to talk about but i can't further without telling you what i witnessed yesterday. most of you that don't rollerblade or skateboard or anything like that probably won't get it but those of you who do, will. so while i was there, there was a skater hanging out, not really skating. had some groupie girls with puffed addidas and loads of eye shadow hanging around him. anyway, he finally gets up and starts skating around. mind you, this guy is trying to look "hard." he's got his baggy pants, ripped korn t-shirt, grizzly beard, long, flowing brown hair, thick wallet chain, little bit heavy set etc. know the type? so, this dude finally gets up and tears through the park COMPLETELY out of control. i could tell he was trying to make it look like he knew what he was doing but you can't really hide ability. so he tears at this quarter pipe, stumbling the whole way, front flips out of the pipe, lands on his heels and washes out into a biker sitting on a bench. some people we're cheering, clearly because they wanted to see him try it again and fail. i think most were just kinda in awe and thinking "wow. this guy is going to get ruined." as one guy said. so he tries it again, lands it, sort-of, and his girlfriends cheer and run out to congratulate him. great! he's done. oh, no he's not. so for the next little bit, he just tore around the park, fumbling, stumbling and falling all over the place. no tricks, just... that. at this point i just sat, enjoyed the sunshine and watched. i didn't want to run into him and get impaled by his studded bracelet. so, there's this one part in the park that has this guard railing. it's probably about 4 feet tall or so. it's not meant for grinding, it's high! it's just there to block people from the bank going in the opposite direction. i'm sitting relatively close to it. i see this guy skate really hard at this rail, slow down abruptly and grab the rail with his hands as if he was just testing it out first. the guy i was sitting with, aaron, said "oh, he's probably going to try a hand-stand flip over it or something dumb like that." we both laughed because we thought it was true. we looked over at him because he's groupie girlfriend were egging him on. "you can do it! we have faith in you!!!!!!!" next thing you know, this guy is skating at this rail full speed. when i say full speed, i mean FULL SPEED. sketchy, but fast. he approaches it, straight jumps it attempting to clear it from the ground (no handstand), smashes both knees into the top of the rail, wips around and hits his face on the edge of the ground under the rail and disappears down onto the bank. REAL TV candidate for sure, but nobody was filming. so we go over, he's moaning, his girlfriends are freaking out. the entire park is over to see what happened. anyway, to cut this story off, ambulance came, 2 bruised knees, he walked to his brothers car and they left. what can i say. the guy got lucky. there's no reason both legs shouldn't have been folded at the knees the opposite way like an ostrich. what have we learned from all of this: 1. know your limits 2. groupie girls are the devil 3. wallets with big chains belong in the 90's
so i got home and my eyes started itching. i started sneezing all over the place (i actually pulled a muscle in my back with one sneeze). my nose was a faucet. what the hell happened to my amazing day? allergies happened. now as i sit with 4 empty boxes of kleenex, i wonder to myself at what point did i become allergic to the outdoors? i think it's pretty safe to say i spent much more of my life outdoors than indoors. if anything i would think i would be immune to anything the outdoors could dish out. i've eaten my share of dirt and grass, more of course when i was little haha. i think most of us would be. i just don't understand why allergies to the outdoors exist in so many people. it sounds ridiculous to me. i guess i just figure the more time you spend doing something, the more you "adapt" to its environment. i suppose adaptation takes hundreds, probably thousands of years but still. we've been on this planet for a long, long time and so has grass and dandelions. we've had more than enough time to get along. you could always look at the big picture. i'd rather be allerigic to grass and such than air or water. and for those of you that are thinking "Ptsh! No ones allergic to air or water!" you'd be wrong!
Allergic to Water
Allergic to Water 2
what a great way to ruin a day. allergies!!!!
Monday, April 24, 2006
beware of pickpockets

"To call attention to pickpocketing, Brussels Airlines resorted to a sort of anti-pickpocketing campaign and placed fake, rubber hands inside un-attended bags. Aside from the fact most people would freak out and scream if they came back to their bag and found a hand inside, we're guessing airport security wouldn't be too happy with this marketing scheme. Not to mention the possibility of those inserting the hands accidentally finding themselves faced with a bag full of explosives or some other nasty find. Still, we have to admit this is very effective at getting attention."
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